Okay....so I uploaded over 400 pictures and saw that they didn't show up in my photo gallery, so I went and manually ticked the box under each photo to upload it into my public gallery.....but now the photos are in the wrong order....the current order is the end of my trip to the beginning.....but I want it to be beginning to end....so....
I presume you mean in ? No, sorry, there's no way to re-order them aside from changing the date to an incorrect date, and doing that for all 400 or so photos.... I'd never even considered it the other way around, and can't remember having seen the request before (although I know it's been asked for the blogs). Now that you mention it though I can see the value in an 'album' having photos in reverse order, whilst the default is newest photos at the top (that's pretty much the default in any software I've ever used, hence my never considering it).
It's a pretty massive change to implement for us though, so I'm afraid it's not going to happen any time soon

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