Am i too old

I love the backpacker scene and now i want to do Australia for like 2 months. But here i go. I am 35 years old but can still party as if i am only 34!.. Is this too old? I know you are never too old but i don't want to feel like someones grandfather as i travel in Australia. Are there more backpackers my age??

Well first off if you have the money, time, and urge to go, then go. I have met backpackers well through their 30's and into their 40's accross the world. Its more if you are out going and can tolerate the antics of 20yr olds.

Give me a break! You're pretty young in my eyes (I'm 66 and still have a pack on my back - I call myself a flashpacker now). Only thing I can't tolerate is the damn (so-called) music.

My own experience is it's not an issue, so I'm guessing people really don't care.
Travelers naturally gather and everyone's included. I'm in my 50's by the way.

Forget everyonem, its all about what YOU want to do

If you wanna go then go, dont let NOTHING hold you back

I came across a few travellers in their 30's when I was doing the Aussie backpacking scene - they all fit in well and no one was concerned with their age

I was 32 when I backpacked Europe for 5 1/2 months in 1984 as a YHA member. Sure, I was conscious that I was older than most fellow backpackers but that didn't stop me from enjoying myself. Many Americans and Canadians I met up with again when I backpacked North America for 4 months in 1989. Be positive and you can't go wrong.

No way! I'm 34 and currently travelling around the world by myself. By the time I return home sometime in the middle of 2011, I'll be 35. I've been staying hostels and not once have I felt like I was out of place. In fact, most of the time, I end up hanging out with much younger people.

Just over the last couple of days, I met a fellow traveller who was 62! He was still going strong and was loving it.

The only time I look at older travellers and I think, "Yep, they're old" is when they are part of a package tour where they stay in flash hotels, get taken everywhere by a bus and afterwards only leave their hotel rooms to have dinner at the hotel's restaurant.

Trust me, there are lots of 30-somethings out there travelling, I've met dozens of them. So don't worry about it, honestly.

Hi Guys,

I am feeling comforted by all these reply's I'm 35 and my partner will be 40 when we do our traveling in the summer. Roll on it cant come quick enough for us!



If you want to go it!

Im currently travelling alone around Australia and New Zealand and im 38 years old. I'm having a fantastic time. There has been the odd occasion that I have felt alot older than the rest of the backpackers, though this has not been very often.

My advice to you, is to get your flight booked and a couple of nights in a hostel and then take it from there. Whats the worst that can dont like you go home, but at least you can say you tried it! That though I can say probably wont happen as you will love it! :-)

Happy travels

Am i too old

Am i too old

Am i too old

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