females that have travelled to Spain alone

I am a female wondering if I should go to Spain by myself. Did you feel safe? Did you stay in a hostel or hotel? Did you meet other people to do things with & how? Did you know the language? If not, did you have any trouble? Are the taxi cab drivers ok? I've heard there are a lot of pickpockets. Any advice or tips on anything? Also-Please help with the itinerary-can anybody advise? I want to go salsa dancing in Madrid & Barcelona-I'm thinking the nights to go are just Thurs., Fri., & Sat.? I'm trying to take off the least possible days from work. Flying roundtrip is cheaper than flying to 1 city & leaving from the other. This is the best I can come up with-can anybody shorten this or come up with a different combination? I can't figure out how to arrive in Spain later (like Fri. or Sat.) & still go out a couple nights in both Barcelona & Madrid. Or is there not much salsa dancing in Spain & should I not plan my trip around it? Is this something to do while you are there or should you spend your time doing something else?

I don't have any advice for Spain but I am thinking it might be my next big trip (solo woman) so I'm interested in the replies you get. I feel your pain about trying to schedule cities to get the best nights. Seems like all the fun stuff happens on the weekend so it's tough to plan a fairly short trip and still hit the highlights. good luck!

Im a guy but I wouldn't see why you would need to worry about safety. All rules apply to any situation in any country, dont walk in dodgy areas at night, that can be said for guys too, especially in Barcelona, which I found very unsafe.

I met solo woman thruout my trip in Spain and Portugal, many were in Hostels, Hotels and Camp sites alone at the beaches. So I think you need not worry, more than in any other country.

Dont wear short skirts or revealing clothing - more for Catholic reasons than safety.

Go for it. It's safe, just use common sense and you'll be just fine. And you'll love everything :D

Im a guy but I wouldn't see why you would need to worry about safety. All rules apply to any situation in any country, dont walk in dodgy areas at night, that can be said for guys too, especially in Barcelona, which I found very unsafe.

I met solo woman thruout my trip in Spain and Portugal, many were in Hostels, Hotels and Camp sites alone at the beaches. So I think you need not worry, more than in any other country.

Dont wear short skirts or revealing clothing - more for Catholic reasons than safety.

I totally agree! I don´t think that the safety risk is higher than any other country.


I travelled solo in Spain for about 3 months, and have been to both Madrid and Barcelona. I felt very safe at all times, even later at night. You just have to take the same precautions that you would at home.

Pickpockets are common all across Europe, but if you're careful with your bags and don't look like too much of a tourist, you'll be fine.

I stayed in hostels and with people as well. You won't meet anyone if you stay in a hotel. When you stay in a hostel, you'll meet a lot of other people, some of which will be travelling alone too.

As for taxis, I would avoid them when you can, especially if you don't speak Spanish. If you must, try to find out how much your journey costs, so you can insist on the price BEFORE getting in the taxi. Both Madrid and Barcelona have a metro, and you can walk almost everywhere.

Hi there
I have just travelled to Barcelona for a long weekend alone and felt mostly safe but you have to take some precautions, just be streetwise, don't carry a rucksack, avoid walking in dodgy areas at night, taxis are cheapish and plentiful if you are travelling around the city centre at night, I felt much better doing this then walking at the end of the night.

I heard so much about pickpockets in Barcelona and think it does happen a lot but always be aware of your bag and maybe even wear a money belt.

You will enjoy your travels i am sure. Have fun and I would love to hear how you get on.


I lived in northern Spain for a year and travelled a lot to Madrid and Barcelona, although in a group of girls. Madrid is like most European cities - you just need some common sense.

Barcelona is a bit more dodgy as it's very touristy - be very careful around the Ramblas (especially at night) and don't take ANYTHING to the beach. I got my phone stolen when I was distracted by someone selling stuff, luckily I hadn't taken much money with me.

I would disagree with the above re clothing - don't worry too much about revealing clothing if that's your thing, both places are big cities after all and you won't offend. Although, Spanish people don't tend to get 'dressed up' to go out anyway, as most people do in the UK, for example. Obviously cover up when you go into a church.

There are some awesome places on the outskirts of the city centre - the student quarter had great bars and partying in the squares, and I felt completely safe there. I'd also recommend Gracia which is quite bohemian.

Taxis are fine in my experience and I'd recommend using them at night as being in an underground station at night and on your own can be quite daunting if you're not used to it. Most people will speak English to you in Barca & Madrid as soon as they realise you're not Spanish - this was annoying for me as a Spanish student but will be good for you!

As for salsa dancing, you're right that weekends will be good for this and you'll find salsa dancing in lots of clubs/bars. You'll need to do some research if you're after formal classes.

To be honest I didn't think much of Madrid but only because it's a lot like other big cities and I'd experienced the 'real' Spain in the north and south but I'm sure you'll have a great time - enjoy it!


Hi there,
I am from Spain and can assure you that you will be safe. The advices that people have posted are very good though, because in fact there are a lot of pickpockets in the touristy areas where there are a lot of people walking distracted...so careful with your purse! Apart from that, I think that just having common sense applies to any places around the worls: if it doesn't look and feel safe, it probably isn't safe. But otherwise, you will find.

Taxis are OK, really, they don't make you pay a higher price just for being foreigner...and feel free to ask anyone on the street if you need to: in english or signs everyone is generally very open and try to help you as much as they can.

Hope that helps,

females that have travelled to Spain alone

females that have travelled to Spain alone

females that have travelled to Spain alone

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