India 3 month Route HELP!!

Hi guys,

The places we would like to go to are :

Kaziranga national park
Ajenta and ellora caves

Is three months long enough to cover all these places?

Whats the best route to go would you say?

Many thanks


First you make a good plan then I am sure you can visit most of the tourist places in India in 3 months.
Happy Journey for you.

Wow. That's a whopper of a trip. Very cool. Looks like you've researched quite a bit.

I did a part of the trip you describe. Maybe you can use my experience on that shorter trip to extrapolate how the rest of your trip will go ...

I did this:
New Dehli
Bharatpur (and Deeg?)
Mt. Abu
New Delhi ... and on to Nepal

This trip took me three weeks and it was a fairly comfortable travelling pace with two or three days in each location on average. This was the beginning of a three month trip around SE Asia so I was full of energy and excitement. I had planned most of it before I showed up in India but added stops in Bharatpur, Deeg? (near Bharatpur), and Mt Abu after talking to other travellers that I met along the way. Extrapolating out ... you could pull off all those destinations but ...

Two things to note here ... 1) you will probably slow down at some point, 2) You will meet other travellers who will tell you about great stuff to see that is not on your list and that will throw off any tight schedule. Your schedule is pretty tight ... always moving, lots of territory to cover.

I slowly slowed down as I travelled over the three months (I was pretty much useless the last week or so). Build in some, "hey, I'm pooped out and I really like this place" time. I crashed on a beach in Vietnam for a week, and another in Thailand for a week, which meant I had about three days to see Malaysia. No regrets.

My advice on your itinerary ... see if you can break it up into short segments that can be entirely dropped from the trip if you come up with a better idea along the way ... and segments that you absolutely must do no matter what.

It's a three month trip. All kinds of stuff is going to happen and you're going to change your mind about things as you roll through India. Keep yourself flexible. Don't freak out about the planning right now. You can do what feels right as you move along.

Hey ...

India is a massive country (silly comment but true), by this I mean that travelling around takes a long time and there are always unexpected places to see that you did not think about or know about.

Because of this, do not plan too much, i guarante that every trip will be delayed, whether by car or train (often plane as well).

Plan a rough route around Rajasthan, a couple of places in the north and maybe a couple in the south and then go with the flow.

Trust me ~ i have backpacked a few times (once in India for a few months) and made the mistake of trying to see everything and basically you end up seeing nothing as you are always on the move.

Wow, more than 30 places to visit in three months, considering travelling (like markyth says, it's a massive country) you'll be rushing to this beautiful country without leaving you any time to taste the habits and the culture.

I would suggest to cut in your itinerary, this way you'll enjoy this your trip much more!

I would suggest you cover Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Kerela, Goa, Darjeeling and Sikkim... Plus Delhi is quite a historical place in itself... You will probably feel like slowing down at some point because Himachal Pradesh is one end of the country...Kerela another... Darjeeling and Sikkim another... Also, you can go to Jim Corbett Park in Uttaranchal (6 hours from Delhi), Nainital (Also in Uttaranchal) if you have some time left... But i think the above places will drain you out anyways...

The route i would suggest is cover North first... i.e. Rajasthan, Himachal, Delhi, Amritsar

then travel south... Cover places like Gokarna, Goa, Kerela, ooty etc.

then head west... cover Mumbai, Ajanta and Ellora etc.

then proceed east... cover Darjling, Puri, Konark, Calcutta, Sikkim

However, i would suggest cutting down on West India...

India 3 month Route HELP!!

India 3 month Route HELP!!

India 3 month Route HELP!!

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