Is it possible to move a visa from one passport to another?
Typically, no. A visa grants a title of stay to the holder of a specific travel document. There might be exceptions, but I never heard about them. Is this still about your friend in Brazil?
yes, it is about my friend. He doesn't think he needs to though. He thinks of it as having an expired passport with a valid visa. He thinks he can just show the visa on one passport and get stamped on the other.
You may need to ask the country to which the VISA Belongs, but the only example I can give is this. A Barbados citizen has to have a Visa to visit the US. His Barbados passport expires but his US Visa is still valid. He can travel as long as he brings both passports (some people staple the old passport to the back of the new one or rubberband the two together so they don't forget to travel with it) on his trip. the only other way would be to go to the embassy which issued the visa in the first place and have them move the visa to the new passport (which actually might be just getting a stamp in the new passport with the same info as the previous one. Each case may be different. again, ask the country of the VISA what you should do. and don't assume anything.

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