New! Please Help! Need as much info as poss!

okay. im 20 and i want to travel... but theres so many options! and im unsure on which option to take.
I can save up a fair amount but i dont mind doing light work out there to get some more(where ever there is)
Where is the best place for someone on there own to go? or is it best to go with a group or organisation of some kind?

Start off local and on a quick journey. If you're in the UK - go to France for a week. If you're in Australia, go to Thailand for a few days. Feel the vibe, soak up the culture. You'll either get the bug - or get bugged. After a week or so, you'll know whether its for you or not.
I'd not recommend going away for a couple of months to some faraway place, for your first trip. Sometimes it all goes pear shaped and it can be so painful if youve got to hang around for ages in a place that you cant get along with.
I've been travelling for years and I still get it so badly wrong from time to time. Sometimes its my fault and other times its someone or something else that messes it all up.
Softly softly - I suggest.
Good luck.

From my limited knowledge I would say wait before you go to India. It is a beautiful place with brilliant people, however it isn't the easiest place in the world to travel, especially on your own.

NZ and OZ are known to be pretty easy, lots from the UK there who you would prob meet in hostels. From there alot go on to Thailand, which is also very easy to move around and arrange things because it is very touristy, pretty safe too. Canada is great, my bro went there on his own and got a job for half a year and he loved it.

I agree with the other guy you should go somehwere near by for a shorter amount of time to see if you can hack it before you spend hundreds on a flight.

[ Edited accordingly and deleted previous post as duplicate. ]

Are you really not sure, where would you love to go? I would suggest you to visit Scotland, as the place has mermerising beauty and wonderful climate.There are a lots of things to see, which will keep you busy for as much as time you have in your hand, for your tour.

I went travelling with my friend for the first time and we abousltey loved it, we headed to Dubai first, but had friends to stay with then hit Asia its sooo easy to travel round, but if your alone maybe try oz or nz first you'll meet friends alot more eaiser because of hostels and stuff, but its the best experience you can ever have, and i cant wait to go do it all over again. Good luck x

New! Please Help! Need as much info as poss!

New! Please Help! Need as much info as poss!

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