Critique our trip to Spain

Hello everyone, My wife and I (57 and 62) are visiting Spain for the first time. Time and money are limited of course, but we are active and healthy (I know our ages look ancient to some of you). Here is our itinerary. We plan to arrive on Sept 30th, 2011 but dates are flexible if you think the weather would be better in a different month. Thanks for taking the time. By the way, we will be using the trains and not driving.

Barcelona - 3 nights.
Madrid - 3 nights, with a day trip to Segovia and a day trip to Toledo
Seville - 2 nights, stopping in Cordoba for a few hours on the way to Seville
Granada - 2 nights
Tarifa - 2 nights, with a day trip to Morocco
Ronda - 1 night
Madrid - 1 night at an airport hotel, fly home the next morning

Personally, I'd make more time for Morocco - at least four or five nights. Perhaps a cheap night train from the north? You're on a budget, so that would kill two birds with one stone. I can recommend Marrakesh. It's cheap and very interesting. Good luck with your plans.

I have to keep reminding myself, 'cheap' means different things either side of the Atlantic.

[ 04-Oct-2010, at 07:37 by fabyomama ]

Toledo is a beautiful place to go it have alot of places to visit.
In Madrid you should go to an hotel i have gone the first time i went to Madrid, its near atocha train station.-snip-

to fabyomama, thanks. I would love to spend more time in Morocco, but I only have 2 weeks. Would you recommend leaving something of Spain out? Ronda? Or a night less in Madrid and/or Seville?

to carlosv, thanks. I'll check it out.

[ 04-Oct-2010, at 09:21 by gearheart ]

I think you could do Morocco in a day trip - there are a lot of offers for ferry rides / tours at travel agencies you will see around Andalucia to go and come back in a day.
If you have a full day in Granada, one night, and leave the next afternoon, I think one night could be fine there. Go to the Alhambra and take panoramic pictures of Granada - really beautiful on a clear day! And I would suggest the Capilla Real if you are interested - King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel's remains are there.
Be sure to enjoy tapas and wine - there are a lot of different restaurants and bars, and outdoor seating in Plaza Nueva.
Enjoy your trip!

Regarding Morocco, how about this? Skipping the night in Tarifa and going to Morocco directly from Granada (via Algeciras), getting to Tangier in the p.m. and taking a night train to Marrakech? Is that doable? Too exhausting? Could we get a sleeper ticket at that time of year on such short notice? It would save a night's lodging cost (the night train to M. appears to cost 450 Moroccan per person, each way). Two whole days in Marrakech (one night), then a night train back to Tangier and on to Ronda. (Maybe only two nights in Barcelona instead of three.) What do you think?

I wouldn't want to ruin a good trip by helping make it a mad dash. I just thought Morocco was worth a little more time.
Perhaps yours is the best idea after all - a days 'taster just to have a look. You know your own pace better than anyone.

Happy travels.

I travelled to spain a month ago. You can see my latest images of Spain here:

Actually I think that looks reasonably sensible. You might struggle to get round Cordoba satisfactorily in a couple of hours. I think Granada is great and well worth 2 days/nights, Seville too.

The weather should be fine at that time of year, it may even still be quite hot, particularly in Andalucia.

[ 06-Oct-2010, at 14:03 by magykal1 ]

Critique our trip to Spain

Critique our trip to Spain

Critique our trip to Spain

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