Taking a car from Canada into the States

Hi guys.

I just found this on the CBP website: "It is illegal to bring a car into the U.S. and sell it without first entering it through CBP." So I'm now searching for what it means to 'enter it through the CBP'.

Would we be better buying in, say, Seattle, so it remains a US vehicle?

Yes but you'll be buying it in Washington state and selling it in New York state-always a PITA no way around it.

Ditto here in Canada-buying in BC and selling in another province is always a pain.

Cars would be much cheaper in the "land of the auto" - Southern California. Right here is Portland, Oregon we have an abundance of cheap RV's since camping is VERY BIG here in the NW. You could possibly run into problems with registration and taxes - governments here are cautious about non-residents buying cars and not paying taxes and not having the correct state registration. Buying from a private individual would be risky, but that way you could go around such regulation. You do need a local mailing address to register any vehicle in the USA.

It all sounds like a big headache to me, why not just rent and get it over with? Chances are you'll take a big loss when trying to unload a car in a hurry! Every state has different laws concerning emission standards - California is probably the pickiest, but you should check this carefully if you do buy.

[ 14-Jan-2012, at 06:52 by Daawgon ]


This Lonely Planet thread has taken me right back to the drawing board. FAQ 214 basically tells you, in no uncertain terms, how crazy you have to be to try and buy a used vehicle in the states. Even for an American citizen, let alone a foreigner.

So... I'll go back to looking into rentals. Then when I find out that I can't rent because we're both under 25 and we're going one-way... I'll look into buses and trains.

Taking a car from Canada into the States

Taking a car from Canada into the States

Taking a car from Canada into the States

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