Heading to Thailand with my friend but will be only with him for a few days then al be on my own nothing yet planned if anyone is interested and has any ideas an wants to travel with me would be great
Hey! How long will you be over there for? I'm leaving Cambodia to come to Thailand about the 30th of July. I have no plans for when I go to Thailand but think ill be over there for about 30 days
al be in Thailand from the 19th of july til the 7th of august. al be with my friend from Ireland for about 4-5 days and then he heads of with his gf so al be on my own then lol the only thing I do no we have planned is the full moon party, al be lost after that so im open to suggestions if your interested in travelling for a bit :D
I arrive in Thailand the same day I will also be alone but I've heard from many people that you meet loads of people along the way so I wouldn;t worry too much. In fact, most people have said it's better to go it alone. I'd be happy to meet up and say hi

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