Very odd: help required

Hey there,

Very odd indeed. definitely has some content in it, so I'm guessing there's surely a bug somewhere which renders the page 'empty'!

Hmm, I'm guessing the comma in the title is what's buggering this up, though clearly that shouldn't be happening.... passed on to Pete who's the expert in terms of the wiki coding

Any chance this can be fixed within a day or so?

I've let Peter know, but seeing as it's weekend, I think he might be enjoying a day or two away from work. Of course his work day starts sometime midnight, so at that stage it will most likely be one of the things at the top of the pile

I've let Peter know, but seeing as it's weekend, I think he might be enjoying a day or two away from work. Of course his work day starts sometime midnight, so at that stage it will most likely be one of the things at the top of the pile

That's the good thing about Oz or Norway: probably in nature within a hour. D*mn holland

I also tend to forget that for you guys TP=work

[ 01-Nov-2009, at 12:30 by Utrecht ]

Yep, weekend was good thanks Of course, we are often online during the weekend as well, but on this particular one, other things took priority

Anyways, all is fixed. I removed some code that made no sense whatsoever to me in there that was causing the problem. So hopefully there wasn't some great reason for it being there that I missed. Really think it was just unnecessary code though.

Very odd: help required

Very odd: help required

Very odd: help required

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