Thailand and protesters

My daughter is off to do a month long trip in Thailand around the end of June and although her traveling will be outside of Bangkok her arrival and departure flights have to land there''Anything to worry about?

If she avoids problems at home, odds are she will be able to avoid them here.

But, if she is the type to migrate towards soccer houligans, or thinks hugging an armed soldier is cute, she might be at risk.

The only affected area in Thailand, in regards to the political unrest, is Bangkok. The rest of Thailand is currently very safe for tourists. In fact, you wouldn't know anything was going on unless you watched the news.

Problem is the daughter has to land in Bangkok to get to her destination, blowing up a plane full of tourists would definitely get the protesters point across.
I'm thinking the decision will be taken out of our hands as the company she is going on the trip with (ISV) has already canceled all the May trips so its likely they will cancel all the June trips as well, too bad she's been looking forward to this trip for 6 months,i'm guessing they will give her another destination option.
Not sure what these protesters are pissed off about but all Thai people who rely on tourism and volunteer work are going to suffer because of the protesters actions..

I did hear on the radio that both the US and UK have closed their embassies in Bangkok and the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok has "temporarily" shut its doors.

Not really to close to the situation w/ the protestors, but this isn't Al-qaeda here. blowing up a plane full of tourists not only would get nothing accomplished for them but is a pretty ignorant thing to say.

"...blowing up a plane full of tourists would definitely get the protesters point across"

I am not trying to minimize the level of violence in Thailand but talk of blowing up a plane full of tourists is excessive. Thailand is prone to protests but they never get to the magnitude of blowing up planes with terrorists. I think you have Thailand confused with Al-qaeda.

My friend works for cnn go in bangkok and he told me the situation is not as bad as the Western media is making it out to be. As I before, I am not trying to minimize the level of violence because the death toll keeps rising as we speak. However, the violence is only cornered in specific areas of Bangkok. Tourists who are avoiding those areas can successfully get out of Bangkok. They might just have to spend a little more money to hire cabs since a lot of buses postponed their services.

[ 16-May-2010, at 13:51 by bakpakk ]

"blowing up a plane full of tourists would definitely get the protesters point across."

They have targeted the area they have because it is home to the symbols of the problems. While most Thai people are wanting, Paragon offers Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Maseratis for sale. This is a strip where Bangkok's idle rich hang out and pose. The occupation of this area is quite symbolic.

if the media left today it would be over tomorrow

if the media left today it would be over tomorrow

Correct,.... no witnesses!

Thailand  and protesters

Thailand  and protesters

Thailand  and protesters

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