Yogi2010 has indicated that this thread is about Australia
I'd recommend using a campervan over a car and tent, just because its alot easier to travel and more secure when
When the towns get fewer and further bewteen you need to be careful ensuring you are carrying food, water and have enough fuel but it gets easier to just stop and camp. All roadhouses have shower facilities for a small fee $2-5 each
One thing to watch is when you cross into WA theres a quarantine station you cant bring fruit/vegs across the border or the packaging they were in. That means you'll have a day or two, depending on how fast you want to travel where you'll need tinned alternative as the first supermarket is in Norseman, the roadhouses in between you can get cooked meals and bread/milk chips, chocolate. souveniers etc but not much else
Personally I'd turn left at Norseman and head to esperance then follow the coast around to Perth but the via Kalgoorlie option is just as interesting.
when you come through SA a couple days in the Flinders ranges is a must, which is another area you can camp easily
Thanks for the reply. Is there an easy way to find a list of all the roadhouses between the SA/WA border and Norseman? Or do you know where they are?
Also, do you know of any good websites for listing backpacker accomodation and or campsites? I have googled but the websites I've found don't seem very comprehensive.
every town from Penong in South Australia until you reach Norseman in Western Australia is basically just a roadhouse, each have a caravan park, campsites available. Theres a backpackers in Ceduna and the next one heading west is in
Yalta(?) think its closed down
Border Village
Eucla --- spend a day here worth going to old telegraph station and the Jetty
Caiguna -- eastern start of the longest straight stretch of road
Balladonia -- western end
add Kalgoorlie to this list and you get the longest golf course in the World --
follow the link to the Nullarbor links its has all the details of whats is available and where
[ 05-Jun-2010, at 08:53 by gnangarra ]
I just followed some of the links on Nullarbor.net Border Village has a backackers
Sorry for the delay in replying.... mad few days!
Anyway, cheers for all the info... very helpful. I've got all the roadhouses marked on a map now.
A couple more questions...
In the UK we have Ordnance Survey maps which are the gold standard and come in various scales. What are the equivalent or best maps of Oz?
Also, I'm trying to work out fuel economy of a camper van (which we'll drive from Adelaide to Perth in over 3-4 weeks.... according to the Auto-Barn website, their 2.5L campers do 100k to 14L of fuel. This works out as about $0.29 per mile. Does that sound about right? I have based this on a litre of fuel being $1.30.

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