Hello. My trip to the USA is coming soon. I have another question before I go. What kinds of foods do the people in the USA like to eat and what kinds food should I try when in the USA. I will be visiting new york city, philadelphia,boston,chicago,los angeles,and sanfrancisco. I have read guides to these cities I will visit but there seems to be so much choices in resturants i dont know where to begin when i get there. In Prague where i am from i eat pork and beef dishes, potato dumplings, and saurkraut,and chicken. In the USA i want to eat food that is native to the country but i am having troble finding what that is.
Hamburgers with french fries, , BBQ ribs and french fries,Fried Chicken and french fries,Pizza, hot dogs with french fries.
Lots of pasta restaurants and Americanized Chinese restaurants. Everything comes with an extremely large container of Coca Cola.Thats your basic American diet, fortunately there are many restaurants that deviate from the mainstream fast food restaurant and actually serve good food,you wont have any trouble finding them in NYC.
new york city - great pizza in Brooklyn and pastrami sandwiches in Manhattan (Italian food in general is king in this area)
philadelphia (I was born there) - sandwich heaven! I love the Italian Hoagie (submarine sand.) but others like the Cheesesteak (thinly sliced beef with cheese and onions, hot)
boston has great seafood - clam chowder, lobster and don't forget baked beans
chicago is famous for Chicago Pizza, hot dogs, Italian Beef sand. - not a vegetarian city! (two of my favorites here are Czech and Polish)
los angeles - great Mexican Food and fast food of all sorts
san francisco (my adopted city) - excellent Asian food of all types - Chinese is king here
Real foodies also love New Orleans for wonderful Cajun Seafood and Seattle for the best fresh NW seafood (salmon). If you like BBQ ribs try Memphis or Kansas City
[ 26-Jun-2010, at 12:10 by Daawgon ]
I agree with most of the above:
Boston for chowder (the best I've ever had....you can get it anywhere)
In San Fran one of my favorite restaurants is Great mix for everyone's taste but I love the Asian Noodles there.
In Chicago go for a traditional Deep Dish Pizza, it's a classic! Just a note, a small one will go a loooonnnggg way! They are huge!
I can't help much with the other locations but it sounds like your getting some great advice.
Have a great time!
Forget to add that NYC is extremely international - Russian in Brooklyn, Latin American + Chinese in Queens, Jewish everywhere (super bagels)
Fantastic Italian food from Philly to Boston (I especially like it in New Jersey)
Philly also has Pennsylvania Dutch (German) specialties - try scrapple for breakfast or lebanon baloney on a sandwich (travel west to Lancaster for Dutch country specialties like shoo-fly pie and great buffets)
all we do is eat in this country!
Daawgon wrote: "All we do is eat in this country."
So true, so true.
In much of Texas (and the rest of the Southwest and Midwest) beef is the dish! (Pork in the deep South)
You can get your 72 oz steak dinner free if you can eat it all - at one time, I remember it was free if you could eat only 32 oz
[ 28-Jun-2010, at 10:53 by Daawgon ]
Getting rid of it the next day would be the real challenge.
...take more than an hour too.
[ 28-Jun-2010, at 11:21 by fabyomama ]
Hmm. Being as though we are almost all immigrants here, it's hard to label what "american food" is. A lot of regions in the US have their own specialities that often go back to Europe, Africa, Asia, or wherever immigrants came from. A unique culinary tour of the US has a couple of options...
Eat what traditional native americans would eat. Examples: Buffalo, Salmon, Corn, Potato, Squash, Venison, Berries in season, fish etc.
Another option would be to investigate the region you are visiting through their ethnicity and food. In San Francisco's China Town, eat chinese. In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, eat Cornish Pasties. In Wisconsin, eat German food, In the Southwest, eat "New" Mexican food.
A good rule of thumb is to eat fresh food where you are travelling though. On the west coast, I'd eat more seafood than if I was in Kansas. If I was in Kansas, I'd eat more grains, breads, and maybe steak if you're into that.
Finally, don't eat fast food. Not only is it horrible for you, it tastes terrible. Find restaraunts via the web. Checkout www.roadfood.com for good eats in any state. Or www.flavortownusa.com.
Above all, have a good trip.
in ny city I reccomend bubba gump in times square ( a little overpriced but truly delicious and authentic) and in all the other places ihop is a great option for breakfasts

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