is there anything you can do about Rabies?
Im not sure what I already had, but I had to go for some jabs bor costa rica, we were in the jungle quite a lot. ill find out what i had and get back asap .
I'm prettu sure you can just look on nhs direct or something like that. Or ring the doctors. my mate took malaria tablets but my doctor said since we were only there for 3 weeks there was no point, and everyone we asked when there said they dont really here of many cases of Malaria, not even in the east coast Limon area which the guide books warn about.
Costa Rica btw, you lucky sods!
I would get the Heps and Tetanus....I've been in the region on tons of occasions, and never took malaria pills....On one notable occasion, I was sitting in a car with the windows down at night, in a sky filled with mosquitos, and the headlights shining on a sign that said "High Malaria Area...>Take Precautions" Never had malaria.
I didn't know you could get a shot before you got rabies....but I wouldn't worry about that one either. I'd forget about typhoid too.
Don't waste your time in Managua....There is nothing whatsoever to see there. I'm serious.
Hep A&B
Wouldn't you already have had MMR? Isn't that given to you as a kid (at least I got them) and gives you life-long cover?
Hep A&B, definately! You can even catch Hep B in the UK. Also, the cover at the moment for the joint vaccination (Twinrix) is at least 10 years, but it might even be lifelong, so it's worth the investment.
If you live in the UK- some healthcentres and GP surgeries give typhoid shots for free. I've not bothered with rabies- it doesn't actually vaccinate you against rabies, it just buys you more time, and not much of it. Best thing to do is to avoid contact with animals, and get help immediately if you get bitten/scratched by one.

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