Malaria Tablets and Vaccines - SEA


For the places you are going to I had Hep A, Typhoid, Diptheria, Polio and Tetanus. I considered the other vaccinations but decided against them as the risk of catching those diseases in that region are relatively low. For malaria I took doxycycline and had no side effects - I'd recommend them.

The mozzies love me too and I seem to get eaten alive wherever I go, but I still thought the risk of Japanese encephalitis was too low to warrant having the injection - as far as I remember it's only recommended if you are going to be spending a long amount of time in rural areas.

[ 12-Aug-2010, at 03:54 by bex76 ]

Like bex76 says, Jap E is only 'common' in rural areas, where 95% of the tourist never come. For up to date info, see .

About rabies, only a small part of the tourists takes it. The vaccine gives you only some more time, once you're bitten you have to go to the hospital anyway.

And my personal opinion (and of my doctor at the Ghent University Travel Clinic) about the malaria tablets, once you go travelling a longer time, don't take them, just take your precautions. It's not only very expensive, but the question is also if it's healthy to take those tablets over a longer period of time...

If your first stop is Thailand you can get doxycycline cheap in Thailand. Price is around 4 to 10 baht per capsule depending on country of manufacture. Check with your doctor to see if you can use doxy.

For any drugs try some of the larger chain stores like Boots, Fascino and Watsons or a Lotus Tesco Big C type mall pharmacy. Also check the expiration date and read up on how to take these meds and any side affects. I always have some doxy with me for certain areas. Even in Thailand you will be able to read the data sheets because they will be in several languages.

While in Thailand you can check on the prices for some of the shots you have to pay for. Some of the places you might check out are in this link:

Good luck.

I really don't want to give you any advise as I am not a doctor, but I can tell you what I did recently. I was in the Philippines lately and Dengue Fever is big there at the moment ( rainy season) so I just always sprayed a good anti-mosquito spray on me all the time and I didn't get bitten. This is not a great tactic but it is very cheap. You have to remember that this is something that only you can decide on because of the risks. Is it worth risking saving a bit of money, or do you spend the money on tablets and have peace of mind for your trip? To be honest, as you have spent the time on a forum asking for advise it would seem that it is something that worries you, so therefore I would buy the tablets and go enjoy your holiday without the worry of the bloody mosquitos biting you.


I went the doctors tonight to get info on travel vaccines. Im planning to go SEA Jan - May 2010.

On her computer system it said that Japanese Encephalitis is only present between may & October - but i have looked on The National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) & cant see where she got this information from.

I had the free ones that you mentioned - but also got Hep B for free (not sure if that is because of the area i live in) and she has printed me a private patients prescription for rabies vaccination & i have to get it from pharmacy but she didnt know what the cost would be.#

I think i'm going to pay for the injections now ( its alot of money but i would rather be safe) then closer to the time, pay the hefty cost for the malaria tablets. I think the risk is low, but if your going to stress then its worth getting them done. Is it cheaper to get it done through a pharmacy or tropical medicine advice clinics?

I came out to Cambodia last year for a holiday - ended up staying. I didn't get encephalitis or rabies, although my partner did. I did get hep and all the boosters however. I took malarone (short stay, initially), and wished I hadn't wasted the cash.

I'd disagree with Bwiiian - not getting bitten is the BEST precaution! Dengue is more of a threat than Malaria, and especially Japanese Encephalitis, at the moment, and there is no vaccine for that one. Not sure I'd want to be on any anti-malarial for several months, either. Not what lots of people want to hear - but wear long sleeves and trousers, keep topping up the DEET, use mosquito coils, and sleep in screened rooms/under a mossie net. If trekking somewhere high risk I'd consider taking anti-malarials for a short time, though.

The risks in most areas are low to non-existent, but they are there. A friend visited from NZ, took Doxy all the time, didn't go anywhere off the beaten track, and got malaria - some people are born unlucky. She'll probably get bitten by a shark next week. And get rabies. I'm an insect magnet, take all the precautions, and get bitten every now and then. And very occasionally I'll do something stupid, and get a bunch of bites (hands, typically). I don't notice the locals falling over left right and centre, so why get stressed about it?

All personal choice though - I'm not a doctor, etc etc

Malaria Tablets and Vaccines - SEA

Malaria Tablets and Vaccines - SEA

Malaria Tablets and Vaccines - SEA

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