Patagonia queries


hey there. I was in the exact same predicament as yourself. I knew I wanted to go in January but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find anything regarding tours and I searched and searched.

Anyway, I went to Puerto Natales from Puerto Montt on the Navimag boat mid Jan 08. On arrival I found myself a nice hostel and then went round the tour agencies of which there were loads. From there I booked my accomodation and bus to the Torres del Paine national park. I completed the W Trek with my wife. We actaully ended up doing it twice effectively.

Stunning and I would highly recommend it. Absolutely safe and simple to do yourself. Maybe you have someone you can do it with. If not that's what everyone there is doing anyway so you are sure to meet people in the same boat as yourself.

There is a hostel called The Rock in PN. At least that's what I think it is called. I never went there myself but most do and if you look them up maybe you can mail them any queries.

I did go to an amazing restaurant called Afrigonia in PN. It was amazing. I'd recommend it and a few good meals to build the strength up pre trek.

Enjoy. Was my fav place in SA.


Im planning to go there mid-january...

I was looking for options to go: I dont know If I go to El Calaffate or Tierra del Fuego or both....

Brilliant, thanks Tricky for the advice - that's really helpful and gives me a great starting point!! Yes i was struggling to find the info i needed in my general internet searching so cheers!

Ceabastos - i will message you separately about your plans - we can maybe share ideas?!

been thinking about this some more.

To put it into context the Torres is 150k from Puerto Natales. Think the bus was circa 5 or 6am. The bus stops at different parts of the park so you can either do the trek from the east to the west or vica versa. We ctayed on the bus till the end then got the boat across lake Pahoe to the hostel/camp site.

on day 1 we went for a walk down the river and well off the W Trek.

Day 2 we went up to the Grey Glacier and back.
Day 3 we went to the French Vally and back
Day 4 was crazy hot for trekking but we got the ferry back across the water and based ourselves at the hostel at the foot of the towers.
Day 5 we trekked right up as far as we could.

Bear in mind the sun is very strong there so take a good sun protection cream and apply plenty. Also I think the hostel on the east side has a hot tub you can book but it needs done in advance. Beautiful looking up to the towers from there with a cold beer.

Back in town there are a few places with hot tubs to ease away any aches and pains and there is a hospital too - I needed stitches from an accident on the boat.

A picture from crossing lake Pahoe

Patagonia queries

Patagonia queries

Patagonia queries

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