Cheap flight from Buenos Aires to Singapore


Tell us a little more - what dates do you need, is it one-way or not? How flex are you with dates or airports?

[ 10-Nov-2011, at 09:56 by Daawgon ]

Hi Daawgon,

Thanks for the quick reply.

My buddy and i would be flying one way from Buenos Aires. (which we have already make the domestic flight from Iguazu, Argentina) We intend to fly back on the 28th Dec or 27th Dec so that we could reach Singapore on the 30th Dec.

We are flex with any airports, is more of getting to Singapore on 30th Dec.

Hope you could help.


cheapest flight on the 27th or 28th is on Qatar Airlines via Sao Paulo and Doha for $2017.

price drops quite a bit for flights starting on the 29th (down to $1015. on the 31st with Lan and Qantas - 3 stop)

extremely heavy demand for the holidays!

(all of these flights originate at EZE)

[ 10-Nov-2011, at 20:57 by Daawgon ]

Thanks Daawgon! May i get the link or companies from you? Or i just have to book through Qatar airlines. You have found the cheapest rate so far. What i have found is all offering 2.8k to 3k.

I understand is a peak time for the airlines, however due to work commitment we have to be back on 30th December.

thanks again!

Is it possible to fly directly to Argentina via Singapore without landing in the US?

Sao Paulo, That is Brazil. I heard that one can go directly from Singapore to Brazil. But I was also told that I'd have to get to the US.

Cheap flight from Buenos Aires to Singapore

Cheap flight from Buenos Aires to Singapore

Cheap flight from Buenos Aires to Singapore

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