Did you find Australia expensive/average/cheaper than UK?!

After visiting East coast Oz earlier this year, overall I found Oz more expensive than the UK in most situations - alcohol, food, activities etc. This was at $2aus to the £1.
As it is now $1.8aus to the pound hoping not going to be too bad...!?
any thoughts

You are likely to find it more expensive, as the value of the sterling has dropped since you were last there. When I was there in 2004 it was $2.5 to the £ and I found it to be slightly cheaper than the UK.

When I was there in 2004 it was $2.5 to the £ and I found it to be slightly cheaper than the UK.

Even if it were that exchange rate now, you would find a lot of prices have caught up with UK prices, and in some cases overtaken them. The last 5 years have seen prices in Australia on most things head up really quickly - when my (Australian) wife and I came here to live 2½ years ago we were both surprised by how much things cost here now.

The only significant thing that costs less is accommodation (renting or buying) however that is catching up in a lot of cases. Also petrol is quite a lot cheaper, but you tend to drive a lot more here so it cancels itself out!

always think like this, never compare the exchange rate if you are earning money in that country...

things will always be f***king expensive in Britain when the exchange rate is brought into mind.

just earn the money and think whether the goods or services is expensive compared to the salary you get...

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