Weather will be cold.
If you are lucky temperature might be up to 10 C, but -5 C is just as likely. You should definitely bring some warm clothes. A fleece sweatshirt, a wind and rainproof jacket, jeans, sneakers with warm wool socks. You won't need thermal underwear, but bring winter clothes.
It has been a while since I was in Rome so I wouldn't be able to give a good price indicator, but for Paris, it's a little easier. Many places offer good set menus and dining out at lunch time is going to be cheaper than at dinner time. You can 3-course lunch or 2-course plus house wine for about €15 per person at lunch time, and 3-course dinner for €25-€30. Ordering a la carte will cost you more. Same goes with more upmarket restaurants.
I'd imagine the price range would be similar in Rome.
It's going to be cold, and at that time of year, it can be quite wet too. How cold, it's really hard to say nowadays. Just two weeks ago a friend asked if it's likely to snow this time of year in Paris. I told her no, and it hasn't in recent years to my best recollections. What do you know, 2 days later, it was -8C in Paris and it has snowed overnight, enough to turn the city into white winter wonderland. Depending on what you're used to, temperature in single digit may or may not be too cold for you. You may not need thermal wear but I'd definitely recommend heavy coat and perhaps fleece gilet or something like that.
[ 30-Dec-2009, at 13:32 by lil_lil ]
Thanks for your help!!! we really appreciate that

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