This report, released by ADB maybe of some interest...
Fantastic! That's great news, will make travel to Cambodia so much more accessible, and hopefully this new opportunity for tourism will help Cambodia's economy!
I lived on the edge and experienced (never again) the 4 hour taxi ride from Poipet to Siem Reap in 2008. If ever I was to give tourist advice to the Cambodian Govt. it would be to construct a paved road from Poipet to SR. Why? Because there are thousands of tourists to Angkor Wat every year. Many cannot afford to fly in and have run the gaunlet (like myself) and entrusted my life to a kamikazi taxi driver. Hopefully, once the road has been upgraded then upgraded transport carriers will follow including set timetables etc. At the end of the day, tourism to Angkor Wat will be the beneficiary.
Yay! Thats finally the end of the boulevard of broken backsides!
[ 07-Jan-2010, at 09:14 by Budai ]

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