Hi, I am going on my trip to South-East Asia on March 19th 2010 and have realised that I don't really have any sort of plan so far! I am flying into Bangkok and will be staying for four months and plan to visit Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. My concern is that in the forums people seem to be doing this trip in 3 weeks where as I want to do it in four months. I will be travelling with my girlfriend and we will want to do a lot of sightseeing but also a fair bit of relaxing beach time. Could anybody help us with a suggested itinerary or route as I am quite confused about the amount of time we can stay in each place also. Any help is appreciated!
3 weeks is definitely too short for the countries you mentioned so it's great that you have longer. In terms of how long to spend in each place I'd look at spending just over a month in Vietnam and Thailand and just under a month in the other two. Mike and I suggested some routes in ; not sure I have any more to add to that.
We quite often travel to the region and normally spend a month in each country. Your timeframe is more realistic than most yet still you will be short on time.
Cambodia could be done in a few weeks allocating a little more time to the other larger countries. Try to limit your entries to Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos to once only otherwise you will be up for higher visa fees.
We have some pics, maps and stories of our trips to the countries mentioned on the link below that may help.
Happy & safe travels
Thanks for the help guys, this is what I have in mind:
Arrive in Bangkok 20th March 10:00 am. Spend the day and night in Khoa San Road, the next day train down to Chumphon. Stay over in Chumphon and then Lomprayah Ferry to Koh Tao ( this is already booked and paid for leaving 13:00 22nd March) stay in Koh Tao for 6 days, then Ferry to Koh Phangan (this also paid for) We will arrive there on the 28th March, 2 days before full moon party. We next plan on leaving there around 3rd April for Koh Samui, staying there around a week and then ferry to Surat Thani. Any ideas of what to do next? We want to go back to Bangkok on our way up to Cambodia but any ideas where to go from there? It is my birthday on 18th April and want to do something great for it! All help appreciated.
And thankyou for the link Bobnjan it's been really helpful :D

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