Hey All-
I can't reall comment on the tour question, although I've heard of Adventure Tours (http://www.adventuretours.com.au/). But I haven't toured with them and don't know if they're a party/booze tour. But from the looks of it they have some decent tours.
If you're only going to Australia for 3 weeks I wouldn't pop over to New Zealand. You'll spend enough time in aeroplanes/buses as it is and the 3 weeks will be over before you know it.
Where are you arriving in Australia? What do you plan on visiting?
You can try Contiki tours. I just went on one alone in November...it was about 10 days. They cater to people that are 18-35 years old. Although most of the people on tour are in their mid 20s or early 30s. They have loads of options for Australia in terms of where to visit and how long you want to visit for. I've been on 2 contiki tours and they are definitely worth it. There were some people that did the tour and then stayed in Oz after it was done to work/just hang out for a few extra weeks. You can check the tours out at Contiki.com. You might also want to look into IntrepidTravel tours. I've never been on them before but they look good too. Let me know if you have any other questions
[ 04-Jan-2010, at 07:15 by Goska268 ]

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