Hi I am new to this site and am just looking for some advice.I will be travelling to Sydney in the next couple of weeks and was planning to travel up the East coast up to Cairnes, however I have been informed that at that time it will be the wet season along that route. I just wanted to know if will really effect my plans that much or is it best to change my travel plans to avoid the bad weather? If anyone has any suggestions they would be much appreciated. Thanks John
How long are you planning to use to travel from to ? If it's a few months, then I don't see any problem with the plan. It might be a little rainier, but you'd be arriving up in Cairns around April, which is a lot better than Jan/Feb/March (each of which see average rainfall of around 400mm). In April that drops to 200, and in May that's under 100. The problem is a lot less bad further down the coast.
If you weren't planning to use that long in travelling up the coast, can you hang out in Sydney before starting up the East Coast?
I have travelled the Sydney Cairns route by road heaps of times as i used to be a long distance truck driver and not once was I stopped from travelling because of the weather. Yes It does flood in some places at times but the flood is usually over in a day or two and the wet season in northern australia have never stopped me travelling up or down the coast.
Please dont make too much of the wet season as although it rains regularly, its usually the odd shower late in the afternoon and not constant rain.
Enjoy your trip... I am going to sail up the east Coast from Sydney to points north of Cairns, leaving hopefully late Feb and I am not bothered about bad weather at all. I am an experienced sailor.
Have fun and enjoy the country,

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