where to go in Indonesia???

Hey people I’m off to Indonesia in July for 3 weeks, there is 3 of us going. We fly into Jakarta and then I’ve been told to go to places like Bali, Yogyakarta, Sumatra, and Java.

In Java don't miss Mt Bromo at sunrise. We got up at 3.30am for the trip up the mountain but it was well worth it! Borobudur is fantastic and can be done easily as a day trip from Yogyakarta; try and get there really early to avoid the crowds. Yogyakarta is worth a couple of days and you can also visit Prambanan from there which is another impressive temple complex. I'd recommend catching a performance of the Ramayana which is either held at Prambanan or in central Yogyakarta, depending on the season.

In Bali, Ubud is a must see and there are several attractions surrounding the city too. Lovina is a nice little beach town to chill out in for a few days, especially if you are coming from Java which is much more hectic.

Some attractive place at Indonesia-

thanks for the help guys

Pfff, there are so may places worth seeing in Indonesia, it's so diverse.
There are great beaches in Bali/the Gilis, marvelous snorkelling in Bunaken, interesting culture in Yogyakarta, Tana Toraja,...
While in Indonesia, don't forget to see some volcanoes like Rinjani, Berastagi, Bromo, Tankuban, Agung, Batur,...

And do not forget to sample the local food, for me Indonesian grub is the best you can find!

hi bridgy,
indonesia is a multicultural nation with lots of places to go.
you should mention your interest, is it beaches ? mountain ? etc etc

hi there.
There are about simply everything here in Indonesia, and I'll try to get it all arranged as I see fits.
day1 - Jakarta -> get to Jalan Jaksa (Jaksa Street), there's the place where backpackers gather in Jakarta.

day2 to 4 - Bandung -> get to Tangkuban Perahu (a crater) in the noon, then get to Ciater at night to a hot spring resort
don't forget to taste the local food.

day 6 to 8 - Yogyakarta -> visit Borobudur, Prambanan, and other temples. and ya, don't miss the sunshine.
taste Yogya's local food at Malioboro street.

day 9,10 - Surabaya -> Visit the museum. Surabaya is the city of heroes.

day 10 to 13 - Bali -> use ferry to get to bali from surabaya, it only take about 30mins.
there are lots of attraction in Bali. beaches, temples, rice terrace, lake, giant statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana. don't miss it.

day 14 -> you can get to Lombok for another beach, or get a plane and get to Sumatera. which i will recommend is Medan.

if you go to Lombok
day 15,16 -> Senggigi beach is a must.

day 17 -> Komodo island. There are dragons in this island. and I'm not joking.

day 18 -> you can get to Sulawesi, or hit Ambon. both are quite famous for the marine tourism.

day 18 to 20. stay in Sulawesi.
or in Ambon, get to halmahera island.

if you get to Medan.
day 15,16 -> there are crocodiles reservation in this city, one of culinary heaven. Indian, Chinese, European, Local food, you name it.

day 17 -> get to Toba Lake. a vulcanic lake in North Sumatera, around 4 hours from medan.

day 18 -> get to Sibolga, and if you may, visit Mansalaar island. there's a fountain that drop directly to the sea.

day 19 to 21 -> nias island. you will landed in the city of gunung sitoli. a night ferry trip from sibolga.
don't forget to visit Bawomataluwo, the Nias Stone Jump Village in your way to teluk dalam. the famous spot for surfing in that time of year.


That's it....
o ya, if I don't mention, it will better for you to trip by land.

and from nias or ambon, you will need to take aircraft to jakarta.

Have a nice trip.
and feel free to ask me if you have something in mind.

Regards from Indonesia.



You can go to Bali, and then take flight from Bali to Jogjakarta. From Jogjakarta airport (the name is Adisucipto airport) you can take Trans Jogja. It is local bus. Please choose number 1A. It will take you to Malioboro. It is really interesting place. You will see Dagen Street (Jalan Dagen) and Sosrowijayan Street (Jalan Sosrowijayan). From here you can find plenty backpack hostel and cheap hotel near Malioboro.
Things to do in Jogjakarta :
1. Sultan Palace
2. Taman Sari Water castle (very near from Sultan Palace)
3. go to south city hall (Alun-alun selatan) and take a game by crossing two banyan tress with your blind fold. It is really interesting.
4. Go to Prambanan Temple (actually it is near from the airport)
5. Go to Borobudur Temple (40 km from jogjakarta approx).
6. visit Kota Gede. It is very old town, famous with silver home industry. Try to see the workshop. You can find how they make one handicraft.
7. Visit Solo city. You can take Prambanan Express Train from Jogja. It takes 1 hour journey.
From jogjakarta, you can take train to Bandung. You can choose night train or morning train. And after you enjoy Bandung city, you can continue to Jakarta. Take van from Bandung for 2-2,5 hours.
In jakarta you can go to Pulau Seribu (Thousand Islands).
happy travelling


My favourite place in Indonesia was definately the Gili Islands! Definately worth a visit and really easy to get to from Bali. Komodo is great too, a bit off the beaten track but it was worth it!

where to go in Indonesia???

where to go in Indonesia???

where to go in Indonesia???

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