I'm going to have 2 weeks vacation in Turkey in Oct. couple questions hope get your guide here,
I´ve been in Turkey twice, though some years ago.
I would rent a car even the roads aint´t good ( at least wasn´t good when i was there 2002),they are quite narrow and driving the mountains is a challange ( at least for me).
I think Turkey is a safe place, no matrure security risks.Theres a change to get into trouble anywhere you go so, i wouldn´t worrie about that too much. Just be careful and i think you will be fine.
Hope you have a great trip
I hired a car last summer in Istanbul, drove to Gallipolli, ferry across Dardanelles then to Cappadoccia via Konya, and back to Istanbul via Ankara. I had absolutely no problems , people very helpful, especially away from big tourist areas. Roads have improved dramatically in last couple years, most main routes are dual carriage, and smaller roads well surfaced. Turks are generally not dangerous drivers but sometimes vehicles are poorly maintained, have seen a few car trailers release themselves at speed. Good road maps are hard to find, English ones impossible,MepMedya do a German / English one , prob the best. Istanbul only place to get them really.
No problems getting roadside food, more often than not there's a restaurant attached to petrol stations, and the food can be actually quite good, many places have at least one waiter that speaks english. I have to say, Turkey is one of the safest places i've ever been.
As for attractions, Cappadoccia and surrounding area is a must see, underground cities etc and a car is pretty vital to get around the area.
Oh, didn't use sat nav but i'm sure it would be a help
As you've 2 weeks, I suggest - bitta train, bitta rent-a-car, bitta bus. Plenty of time to do all three.
Driving in Istanbul (one heck of a huge and busy place) can be a bit hair raising, but I'm still here to tell the story.
The buses in Turkey are just great.
Istanbul is a must, as is a 'Real' Turkish bath and mud bath too.
I'm going to have 2 weeks vacation in Turkey in Oct. couple questions hope get your guide here,
1: drive a car by myself or take train, which is better or more convenience in Turkey?
2: any attractives in Turkey are must to visit? please advise
3: any safety problem there?all of your advise and comments are appreciated.
Thank you very much!!
hey there , I am from Turkey and seen nearly 80% of the country so I will try to inform you.
1. Train is the safest, plane is the fastest but if you have a chance to drive I advise you to do that. Because turkey offers so many by the road occasions . such as authentic shops, bbq places, fruit plants, sightseeing etc.
2: this is not easy to answer Turkey has 7 big provinces with al several attractions and even 3 of them are hard to finish in 2 weeks.
But ofcourse you should spend at least 5 days in istanbul, 1 for palaces 1 for mosques 1 for shopping 1 for cruising and 1 museums
if you manage you should see cappadoccia and nereby places such as salt lake and ancient cities araound.
finally you can choose amon efes, nemrut and blacksea these 3 are not must but best to see. so When you decide which one you ganna see you may shape the final episode of your trip.
3. about safety : stick to main roads by night , dont take hitchikers, dont show big amaount of cash monney araound.
hope you will have a nice vacation.

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