Pureheart has indicated that this thread is about Canada
Hey PureHeart,
I'm not sure about Ucluelet, but I have looked into Tofino and it is quite expensive. It is supposed to be a beautiful place though. Very picturesque. It would be worth the splurge, IMO.
Hi there, I did this trip last year. We ferried from B.C. to Nanaimo and stayed in a hostel. Our original plan was to rent a car in Nanaimo and drive to Tofino, but while in a Vancouver we saw a poster for a bus that specifically runs from Victoria to Nanaimo and up through to Tofino and it was way cheaper.
Info here: http://www.tofinobus.com/fares That was a super easy, relaxing way to get to Tofino. And we caught the bus back to Victoria with no problems.
Weigh West Marina in Tofino had some great deals. Three of us stayed in one room with whale watching included for all of us for probably only 80 or 90 or so each. You really can't argue with that price considering most whale tours start at $70 on their own. Their website has deals on it. I think they have some kind of hostel rate too.
We got around quite fine, even in the rain. The only time we wished we had a car was to get to some of the beaches for swimming and surfing. We managed to get a ride with someone when we did go. Maybe you could check with the local taxi company to see if they go to the beaches.
There's a hostel in Tofino and here are a couple other low budget options in the area.
http://www.guestroom184.com/ in Ukee
I stayed at Tofino Hotel, it was the best hostel I've EVER stayed in... Very picturesque...
Definitely worth the trip, not Ucelet in my opinion...
When I head to Tofino (I live in Vancouver), my crew usually stays at the Dolphin Motel - http://www.dolphinmotel.ca/
It's pretty old school but with two people it's affordable and you have the luxury of privacy and a kitchenette for those after surfing dinners. Make sure though that you confirm the pricing via email prior to arriving!
You'll love Tofino. Have fun!
[ Replaced deleted text. ]
"Meh" to whoever marked the previous post as promotional; this is a real member, who's been blogging here at travellerspoint for nearly a year. Please be careful with not being too trigger happy!
"Meh" to whoever marked the previous post as promotional; this is a real member, who's been blogging here at travellerspoint for nearly a year. Please be careful with not being too trigger happy!
I was a bit trigger happy too in removing the URL. I have now replaced it. Thanks for the reminder Sander.

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