Australia Jan/Feb 2011

Hi ya,
I am going to Australia for 5 weeks from 19th Jan- 17th Feb 2011. Im going on my own flying in to Sydney and out of Cairns, I intend to see as many places as possible between Sydney and Cairns and wondered if anyone else is travelling at the same time? I would love to share some of this trip with someone? So get in touch if your going to be about :-). Claire x

hi claire
how long you goin for?? im livin in northern ireland and hope to head to oz in jan my visa expires on the 15 jan so i gotta get there before then , im currently tryin to sell my car, so when that is sold im gonna book my ticket. im 31 and enjoy the outdoor life and meetin people. i dont want to go to oz on a drink fest , im over all that, although i do really enjoy a few mad nites out lol are u an facebook?? maybe it would be easier to keep in contact on there

stupid me ur goin for 5 weeks

Hello! Sounds cool, Im 23 will turn 24 whilst away on my travels! Yep as you saw im going for 5 weeks, I arrive on 19th Jan and leave on 16th Feb, I too am over all the getting trashed every night, although am always willing to have a few drinks, which can turn in to me being trashed! lol. Intend to leave Sydney on Mon 24th Jan and travel along the East coast on a greyhound bus, havent yet booked that ticket. Im pretty much up for trying all new things, definately want to do a sky dive and was planning to do that on my birthday so i have something to look fwd to! I am on facebook under Claire McGlynn, profile is me on high ropes in a pink jumper! Add me and we can se if we can sort something out. You said your visa runs out on 15th Jan- is that for Oz or N. ireland?! Ta. Claire

Hi Claire

Im going to be in Oz around this time, im 24 and turn 25 whilst im away. I land in Sydney on 6th Dec and Im planning to do some travelling to Brisbane and along the gold coast. Im up for anything - im travelling in total for about a yr and really want to make the most of it - sky dive, bungee over the grand canyon is really the sort of stuff I want to be doing.

Where abouts you from in the uk?

Hi Lottieb, Im from London. Sounds like a big trip for you, wish I could be away for that long but unfortunately I have work commitments! Not so sure about bungee jumping but sky dive is for sure!!! Do you have a timescale for how long you want to be in Oz/travelling the east Coast? Claire

Hi Claire

Well im in Oz in total for 7 months but I do intend to get a job at some stage... when ive either finished touring or have run out of funds!!!
I will probably still be in Sydney when you arrive but im hoping to be hooked up with some accomadation and stuff by then so im more than happy to meet you if you like?

Ive given up my job - which was a good one but just thought lifes too short and its a once in a lifetime experience.



Ive just applied for my WHV today and thinking of going to Sydney end oct/ beg november. Kinda building up the courage to leave my job and had my boss tell me I shouldnt do it which gives me more ammunition to do it haha

Be good to meet up with people as Im going on my own

Daniella x

Hey daniella

Just go for it!! My boss offered me a massive pay rise and a management degree and i still left :-) slightly crazy i know but I dont wanna get to 30 and regret not seeing the places I wanna see.

Let me know what you decide to do - if your gunna do it youve got to do it properly, youd be really gutted if you had to come home early and everyone else was staying out there.

As i said I land in Oz Dec 5th - if you make the step message me let me know how it goes



Hey all

Im travelling on WHV end of January , travelling alone from Scotland been thinking bout doing it for sometime now but always held back because of my job just , was wondering where the best places to gain work in bars etc and meet new people, bit daunting goin alone but sure will meet lots of good people.
Also how much money do you think will be enough??? .

Any info would be apprecired



Australia Jan/Feb 2011

Australia Jan/Feb 2011

Australia Jan/Feb 2011

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