When I insert 2 identical stops in the Map one stop is deleted automatically when I save the trip.
This *should* happen if there are 2 identical stops right after each other. Logic would say that's impossible. So this is actually considered a feature rather than a bug.
It was put in place to resolve a bug where double stops were recorded sometimes.
Reality says it's possible :-)
But how.. if you are in the exact same spot two stops in a row, then why would that be considered a new stop? Can you explain how this was possible in your trip?
I don't mean to be difficult - just want to understand in what kind of situation this would actually happen!
Hi Peter,
you are wright. Two stops at the same location is not really possible. It's more a matter of workflow when working with map and planner.
I try to explain. Hope with my bad english you can understand :-)
When I add new stops than I use 80% of the time coordinates of Geocaches I have visited. These coordinates are always reverse geocoded to addresses. This was not the case in early days of TP but now it is.
Very often different coordinates are resolved to the same addresses.
Workflow in Map:
Insert Stop (1) with coordinates (1) resolves to address (A)
Insert Stop (2) with coordinates (2) resolves to address (A) too
When I now press "Finish" Stop (2) disappears before I can adjust the stop manually.
This problem I have very often
The only chance I have is
Insert Stop (1) with coordinates (1) resolves to address (A)
Press Finish
Manually apply coordinates in Map
Change to Planner View
Rename the Stop to the name of the Geocache (renaming in map works not for me)
Go back to map
Insert Stop (2) with coordinates (2) resolves to address (A)
and so on....
For my kind of working with the map it's a nightmare
But! I really appreciate your work and I know it's not easy to implement special workflows for only a few users. So I spend the time to get my maps with stops I want!!!
But to be honest... I wish the times back I was able to add just coordinates without revers geoencoding.
Ok cool. I think the real problem here is the reverse geocoding mapping two identical spots into one. That is something I'm more interested in fixing
But why not have the feature back with just adding coordinates?
Peter, I think the problem with reverse geoencoding will not be able to be fixed. I have this issue when using coordinates in nearly all online services. especially this is the case when coordinates are in nature.
Yeah, I meant making it possible to just enter coordinates. Reverse geocoding should only set the location name, not change the actual coordinates.
A dream comes true

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