There are good doctors at the public hospital in Bocca. Its a good hospital as I found out and even El Presidente goes there. no charge,just turn up and take a number. Just west of San Telmo. If you wanted something more private, out the front of this hospital there are several people handing out flyers for various doctorsaround Buenos Aires.
Hi crazylegs,
the best thing to do is to go to a private hospital!
It will cost you like 30 USD, but you will be sure of the service they provide!
here are useful links that could help you to find the best one!!
Hospitals and Clinics in Argentina
List of Hospitals in Argentina
World Health Organization: Argentina Profile
Lonely Planet: Practical Information -- Health
Ministry of Health: Contact Information
Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion (in Spanish)
Hospitals in the City of Buenos Aires (in Spanish)
hope that will help!
If you have more questions about Buenos Aires, you're more than welcome!

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