Hi All
I am thinking about going to Russia in October 2010 and am a little nervous about traveling there alone
I will be there 2 days alone until I start an organised tour.
Just wanting to know some opinions on travelling there as Ive heard many stories mostly negative
You'll thoroughly enjoy it. If you really want to make the most of it though, I would strongly suggest that you start now and learn a few phrases of Russian. At least learn to transliterate the Cyrillic alphabet and I promise you'll be way ahead of the rest of your group.
Moscow (if that's your destination) is an amazing city with so much to see and do.... but be warned, it's bloody expensive.
Behave as you would in any other major city and you'll have a right time of it. Enjoy yourself.
Moscow be warned, it's bloody expensive.
Not so.
Sure, if you head straight for the trendy bars or Square front cafes you'll get stung, but there are plenty of places to eat and drink (both bars and shops) that are really cheap.
There are numerous hostels for around €25 a night and that will include a decent breakfast too.
As zaksame suggests, learn the Cyrillic alphabet. It's ever so easy and you should be able to crack it in a week or so with a bit of intensive reading.
Try St. Petersburg too. Incredibly beautiful and in so many ways more historical and interesting than Moscow.
Good luck planning.
Don't worry too much about travelling alone in Russia. Despite several horror stories about crime in Russia it is relatively safe travelling there. Just keep your wits about you and be careful where you venture after dark.
Knowing the cyrillic alphabet really helps, btw. Check out the .
I have been 3 times in Moscow. 2 times I traveled by train, alone. My expirience is very good. It was safety and I did not have any kind of problems.
Don't forget to make sure your visa is 100% right - or you won't get in.
HI just qurious is Russia more expencive viacation than Poland?
Manny Blesses Bomboklaad
In my experience central Moscow is very expensive - as bedouinleo pointed out correctlly - but outside the main city centre areas and outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg it's actually not so expensive.
I still think that Poland is cheaper than Russia but in the main town's central districts of course you'll be overcharged.

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