who know this story?
the bus of the film Into The Wild
The story of Chris McCandless is tragic. I read the book and saw the movie, 'Into the Wild'. Very sorry for his parents. After reading what has to say about his death, I think we can conclude that 'Alexander Supertramp' was fatally unprepared to deal with the Alaskan wilderness.
You need to reach Fairbanks, chat with the locals that know the area, use your GPS co-ordinates and make the effort to find the bus. Please go better prepared the Chris did.
[ 09-Dec-2009, at 23:45 by vegasmike6 ]
The bus is on the Stampede Trail. Check out this from the Denali Chamber of Commerce, which also includes a .
As Vegasmike says, make sure you are prepared.
Yeah I did the book/movie thing too and it is incredibly sad. One thing that was made clear, and could be the real reason for his death, was that fact that there is a stream that needed to be forged. When he went to leave the stream had grown to a giant river, forcing him to stay. When his parents went to visit the site the stream was high then too and it took some effort from the guide to get everyone across.
So some research on this before you go, that stream/river may make the trip useless if you plan on seeing the bus.
Yeah I did the book/movie thing too and it is incredibly sad. One thing that was made clear, and could be the real reason for his death, was that fact that there is a stream that needed to be forged. When he went to leave the stream had grown to a giant river, forcing him to stay. When his parents went to visit the site the stream was high then too and it took some effort from the guide to get everyone across.
So some research on this before you go, that stream/river may make the trip useless if you plan on seeing the bus.
After reading the wikipedia article on Chris McCandless, there is a hand operated tram just 1/4 mile from where 'Alexander Supertramp' tried to cross. Had he bothered to take a map or compass, he could of easily crossed the Taklanika River and saved himself. As one Alaskan Park Ranger stated; "essentially, Chris McCandless committed suicide.
I agree with you VegasMike. The guy basically killed himself. Didn't even go with BOOTS.
And all those people who want to go to where he lived and died in that bus: Do you somehow think that this is in keeping with his philosphy? Think he'd want a bunch of people tromping through an area that he thought (wrongly) was unspoiled and remote? Think he was all about paving paradise and putting up a parking lot? 'Cause I don't think so. If Fairbanks has made this bus a tourist attraction, I bet the kid is haunting their town hall right now.
Going to Alaska, great. Going to see where some idiot kid starved to death? Well, that's a little gross.
My opinion, unasked for
[ 14-Dec-2009, at 05:51 by Piecar ]
You guys have a totally different definition of suicide than I do. I believe that suicide involves the intent to die. Clearly Chris did everything he could to survive, not die. He just made some bad calls.
I too think it's unspeakably crass that where this sad clown died has been turned into a tourist attraction but am not surprised.

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