So im travelling through most parts of central/south america very very shortly, and was hoping to get some advice on which volcano i would get the best experience from ....
Well, Nicaragua has lots of volcanoes...I am sitting in the shadow of one right now, Mombocho.
Concepcion and Madera on Ometepe in Lago Nicaragua are good volcanoes to climb. Tough going, nice view, perpetual cloud.
Costa Rica has a few remarkable volcanoes, some of them pretty active. (Turrialba for one these days!)
The classical ones are Poas and Irazu (both within 1 hour drive from San Jose), and Arenal, near La Fortuna de San Carlos (about 3 hours from San Jose). The latter is spectacular to be watched at night time, provided it is not covered by clouds. From Irazu, on a clear day, you may see both the Caribbean and Pacific coasts.
Poas, one of the larger craters in the world, should be visited in the early morning hours (6 am onwards), as it is usually covering up with clouds later in the day.
In Guanacaste there are the volcanoes of Rincon de la Vieja (active fumaroles), Tenorio and Miravalles. Great hiking.
You should check out Mayon volcano in the Philippines then, although there are news that its activities are getting weaker. i have seen pictures and videos of the lava flow that my friends have sent via email when they visited the area. it was stunning but of course it is dangerous. I hope that it wont erupt, or at least not as violent as it did before.
Arenal, near La Fortuna de San Carlos (about 3 hours from San Jose). The latter is spectacular to be watched at night time, provided it is not covered by clouds.
I remember visiting Arenal a few years ago. It's pretty impressive to see the little bursts of lava still spewing out of the top, especially at night. Best memory from Arenal was the hotsprings we went to on the way back from the volcano though. They were all heated by the volcano, and I think there were 7 or 9 different pools, of varying temperatures. The one we spent most time in was the bottom one where there was a bar built into the center of the pool
Tungurahua in Ecuador is very exciting (I climbed it in 2004), although I'm not sure how close you can get to it given reports of recent activity.

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