Entered EU on British Passport, Can i travel on AU one now?

I left Australia on my British passport and entered Ireland on my British one. I have misplaced my British passport and am travelling to England from Dublin tomorrow, can I travel there on my Australian Passport? There are no stamps in my Australian passport.

I wouldn't risk it. Always travel in and out on the same passport: if you don't, you may find yourself unable to return. I'd look for my Britisch passport a bit harder if I were you.

Ive traveled in the EU all the time particularly from England to Ireland and back and forth, they have never checked my passport when I travel between differnt EU countries remember thier all part of the EU.


Adri, that is not true. Going to UK, yes, sometimes they don't check and you can go right through, but everyone coming through Dublin Airport WILL be checked at the airport. The EU queue is usually faster and more efficient, whereas the non-EU/EEA national queue can get really long, especially say, if a flight just came in from US. Anyone travelling from UK and Ireland to/fro other EU countries WILL be checked for immigration due to the exclusion of UK and Ireland from Schengen zone e.g. in Paris, passengers flying to Ireland goes through immigration control at Parisian airport whereas passengers for flights to Spain only go through basic identity match.

The best policy is always to enter and exit a country with the same passport. So I'm echoing Niels' advice, try and search harder for your British passport. Now, if that is really lost, have you report the lost to the relevant authorities? Passport loss should be taken seriously, because a misused lost passport could lead to identity theft etc.

Now, having said all these, Buttonsem is trying to leave and not entering the country. I'm not sure what the security in Dublin Airport is like since Christmas, as the last time I flew was in October. As far as I'm aware of, travellers leaving Dublin Airport are not specifically checked for immigration and visa. If Buttonsem is using an Australian passport to enter UK, then it's best to leave UK with the same passport too.

Ive never been checked and I have an American passport only when I travel between EU countries even Ireland and Britain. I get off the plane and bam thats it Now im checked when i come in from the US or any non EU country. Thats been my expierence though,


Thanks for all this information. Basically I know that I don't need a visa to get into the UK from here (dublin) on my Australian passport, and from what I've read Australians don't need a visa to enter into Ireland so when I return I shouldn't have any problems coming back in? My only other concern now is that there is no stamp in my passport saying that I entered into Ireland, I don't know if this will cause any problems? Hopefully like you Adri my passport wont be chacked, but of course ic an;t count on that!

Well I live in Ireland, hold a non-EU/EEA passport (with residency rights) and I travel several times a year, mostly to Europe, and about once a year to Asia and to US/Canada. Within most EU countries, they won't check when you fly between them but once you're exiting/entering non-Schengen countries, they do check.

Anyway, those are irrelevant for Buttonsem right now. Buttonsem is concerned re exiting, and that the passport won't have an entry stamp on the Aussie passport. As I said, up until last year, as far as the procedure at Dublin Airport goes, you will not be checked for immigration formality on your way out. I don't know if this has changed since.

If it remains the same, then at the airport, once you've checked-in, you go through security scanner area. They'll match your passport details to the air ticket, then you're free to go through. Once passed the security area, it's a whole bunch of shops and duty-free retailers. Go to the gate, and during boarding time, you'll need your passport to cross match your ticket, that's it. There will not be any immigration officers at any point checking you. The only exception that I'm aware of would be passengers going to the US, of which visa and immigration formalities will be checked even before checking-in for the flights.

So, by that procedure, technically there shouldn't be any problem for you to exit Dublin to travel to London. Coming back though, you'll be using your Aussie passport again. Now, with Aussie passport, you can only enter Ireland for limited period under visa-waiver scheme. You may be asked for onwards travel arrangement, and be asked on details of your stay etc. Those are questions that they won't ask when you enter with British passport, since British citizens can live and work here freely. Not the case for Aussie nationals. So be prepared for problem cropping up there.

That's why I asked if you've reported the lost passport? Because then the authorities can act to cancel that passport, and re-issue you with a new one. In the mean time, you can carry the report copy of the lost passport, enabling you to answer questions should you really be stopped for further questioning. Am I making sense?

Thats exactly what I wanted to know, thanks so much. I suppose if they ask for travel plans I can just say I'm on Holiday and I going to Northern Ireland after Dublin or something and they can't really questions that. I also have a photocopy of my British passport so I'll take that along.
I have not yet reported it but I suppose I will have to do that.

I cannot emphasise enough that this is the procedure as I know of, which is correct up until last October. My friends flew out before Christmas for their home countries and I have not heard of anything unusual either. However, after the Christmas terrorist kerfuffle, I'm not sure if anything has changed.

Good luck, and yes, you really should report the passport loss before someone decided to tamper and use it or something.

Ive traveled in to Ireland and back and forth with the UK and dident get a stamp except the very first time when i asked for one lol


Entered EU on British Passport, Can i travel on AU one now?

Entered EU on British Passport, Can i travel on AU one now?

Entered EU on British Passport, Can i travel on AU one now?

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