We are four norwegian teenagers that wants to stay in Nairobi to work in an orphenage this coming year. We do not get paid to work there, but we still need a place to live. We would prefer our own "flat", at least our own kitchen and bathroom. An oppotunity is some kind of guesthouse where we fix ourselves. But since we are staying for so long, that might be too expensive for us. We could rent our own appartment, but we find it a little bit stresfull to buy EVERYTHING (beds, refrigirator, chairs, etc etc etc). If you know a safe place in Nairobi, where four, christian norwegian teenagers can live for about nine months, I would love to hear from you.
Hi Marsan,
The best option you can go for is renting an apartment, its the cheapest you can do in Nairobi. The other options is staying in a hostel which I dont think you will be looking for. There are many safe places in Nairobi that you guys can rent an apartment.....the only thing I dont know is the part of Nairobi you will be doing your volunteer program. Otherwise I wish you well.
If I were you I would get in contact with another expat who is living in the city and ask their advice. Nairobi is a great city, but it can be a little scary and even dangerous in the wrong part of town.
I'm not trying to frighten you but think about things like what time you will finish work in the evenings, will it be dark where you are going, how will you travel - by public transport, how much money will you be able to spend on housing? etc.
Here is the address of an expat website where those already living in the city will be glad to help:
Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Jambo Marsan,
Nairobi is as safe as any large city in the world. You just have to be careful. Start with identifying your work station. You have to take into account - traffic, accommodation and security. It will be a good idea to find accommodation very close to where you will be working.
A furnished two bedroom should be ideal for the four of you. It should be in a compound with 24hrs. security guards. This will mean that you will not have to worry about breakins into the flat while you are away. If you can, find a local person to look around for suitable accommodation. The cost of a furnished two bedrooms is anything from USD 790 to 1320 depending on which part of Nairobi.
Good luck and Welcome to Nairobi when you do get here. You will love it.
Jambo Marsan,
Nairobi is as safe as any large city in the world. You just have to be careful. Start with identifying your work station. You have to take into account - traffic, accommodation and security. It will be a good idea to find accommodation very close to where you will be working.
A furnished two bedroom should be ideal for the four of you. It should be in a compound with 24hrs. security guards. This will mean that you will not have to worry about breakins into the flat while you are away. If you can, find a local person to look around for suitable accommodation. The cost of a furnished two bedrooms is anything from USD 790 to 1320 depending on which part of Nairobi.
Good luck and Welcome to Nairobi when you do get here. You will love it.
Hello and thank you so much for your positiv responses! Things have gotten a little complicated latley. I though we were going to work in an orphanage in Lavington, but now they're not responding to my e-mails, and I can't get in touch with them. So now it seems like er're going to stay in an orphanga called Good Hope, a little outside of town. I would rather stay in Nairobi, for example somewhere close to Karen or Nakumatt Junction (Ngong Road), so if any of you, have any suggestions I eould love to hear from you! Otherwise, we're staying at Good Hope. Here is a map to the center/orpahange.
And again, THANK YOU all so much for your help! I am very greatful!
Dear Marsan,
Sorry I have been busy in trip advisor and forgot that I am a member in travellers point.
Nairobi has a growing number of efficient housing agents that deal with property rentals, most of which also feature a selection of properties on the Internet.
The best of these are (i included their e mail addresses but that is not allowed so I couldn't post. Just Google them, their websites will appear): HassConsult 4446914, Kenya Valuers 522001/521870, Lloyd Masika 215900/218112-3, Knight Frank Kenya 4440174/4442167-9, Tysons Ltd. 222011/330331, Villa Care 4448246/4447444,
These are the same agents used by the United Nations to secure their new expatriate employees rental houses in Nairobi. Please write to them giving them the description of where you will be volunteering then they will be able to advice you accordingly.
For your information, Karen is very far from good hope christian centre and getting transport to town is a problem because public transport stops a few kilometres to where you will be staying. All in all, you have to connect twice going to the christian centre, that is from your house to town, then from town to the centre. That will be expensive, assuming that you are still in school. Also alot of time will be wasted because of traffic jam.
Just an advice, you can decide to stay at the centre, hostels or apartments around that area.
Otherwise if you seriously feel that you need to stay somewhere near town then check on the address below:
Natural Oak Apartments
Turbo Road, Off Lenana Road, Kilimani
P.O. Box 16103-00100 GPO
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: + 254 20 3861552/ 2014570 / 2022396
Fax: + 254 20 241307
The apartment is 10 minutes drive from town (central business district).
Let me know if you need more information.

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