My two friends and I want to visit our friend in Perth this summer. We're from ireland and want to visit other places too while we're all the way over the other side of the world.
week 2: laos, cambodia, vietnam.
3 countries in a week?
ye i guess... never thought about it like that.
Its just that they're the cheap countries. But anyway think we'll just go to vietnam out of the 3 and then cut out sydney too.
With just 6 weeks I would stick with the priorities and make the most of it. I've never been to Thailand but I'm sure there is loads to explore outside Bangkok, same for Perth. Personally I would rather visit San Diego or Santa Barbara instead of LA if it should be Southern California.
If you are only going to spend a week in Vietnam, I would maybe just concentrate on one region, otherwise you are going to spend all your time travelling between places, and not actually experiencing them.
Everyone has a different opinion on whether they enjoyed the south or the north most, but personally I enjoyed the north more. With a week you could check out Hanoi, Halong Bay and Sapa, and that would give you a good taste of city life, the coast and the mountains.
I know Air Asia fly from Bangkok to Hanoi, so that will cut down on travel time too.

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