Getting a Chilean Notary while in the US

I've read I need a Chilean Notarized permission letter to take my son , 14, to Chile. anyone know how I can do this while still being in the US or is this something that can be dealt with when we land in Santiago?
We are planning on doing the TDP circuit late March.

To my knowledge, this is something you would only need if special circumstances apply because it is a custody issue. If you're currently married to your son's father, I don't think this step is necessary.

Are you sure the permission has to be approved by a Chilean notary? Doesn't it just have to be officially translated? In that case, you can have a US notary vow for the translation.

thanks for taking the time to respond,
here is an excerp from the US State Dept. with regards to Chilean Entrance requirements, copied and pasted:

If the child is traveling in the company of only one parent or guardian, the non-traveling parent or guardian will also be required to grant permission for travel. In this case, the document will also need to be notarized and authenticated by a Chilean consul. The permission to travel may also be notarized by a Chilean notary in Chile.

Parents are required to have documentary evidence of their relationship to the child. An original birth certificate or certified copy of an original birth certificate is required. This requirement applies to all foreigners as well as Chileans. This requirement is increasingly being enforced by Chilean immigration officers. When traveling with a minor child in Chile on a tourist visa, having such documentation on hand will facilitate entry and departure.

It seems to me to be an impossibility

so far it seems my best course of action would be to do as you suggest and have a spanish translation notarized or perhaps send a spanish translation to the Chilean Embassy here in the US for "Authentication"; their words from their website; not sure how authinticate a notarized document which is notarized not in their presence?
Any Fyrther thoughts?
Once again Thank you for taking the time to respond

Ah, just as I thought.

It must be notarized (not necessarily by a Chilean notary), and then authenticated by the Chilean consulate. So here's your course of action:

  • contact
  • ask them about the procedure. It's possible that they have a simplified standard procedure where you, the other parent/guardian and your son have to appear at the consulate in person and have the paper work done there
  • if not, they will be able to refer you to a notary they think reliable. Go there, have him put the permission in a deed, and send it off to the consulate

Getting a Chilean Notary while in the US

Getting a Chilean Notary while in the US

Getting a Chilean Notary while in the US

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