Leh to Delhi via Amritsar (overland)


There is a daily bus service from Leh to Manali which can be easily booked once you are in Leh. The journey takes 2 days with an overnight halt in tents at Keylong or some other similar place. The fare includes the overnight halt charges and is around Rs 2100. The Leh--Manali roads are usually open till the mid of October, so u will have to check if the roads are open. Check the status of roads on the Leh official website www.leh.nic.in

Once you reach Manali, u can easily visit the other places u mentioned !

The tent camps are in Sarchu not Keylong. Keylong has a number of guest houses. Some buses and taxis make a over night stop in Keylong, some in Sarchu, some go right through Leh to Manali in one go. You'll be best off waiting till you get to Leh to book your ride out. there are loads of travel agents in Leh. You are getting late in the season and there could be a chance of snow on some of the passes on the road to Manali which could delay you a day or two, or even three! So plan accordingly. You could take the road to the north to Kashmir and Shrinagar which stays open later in the year to November, from there take the train to Amritsar and then back on a bus to McCleod Ganj. If you make it to Manali from Leh, you still have a 10 hour bus ride from Manali to McCleod Ganj. Any of these bus rides can be pretty exhausting, so again plan accordingly leaving yourself time to recover.

Leh to Delhi via Amritsar (overland)

Leh to Delhi via Amritsar (overland)

Leh to Delhi via Amritsar (overland)

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