I was going to use an backpack, my sister has one which is 80 lit but after hearing from other travellers who are in Australia and been told that a lot of people struggle with backpacks and have brought a suitcase out there.
Hi Angela,
I'm so glad you've asked that! I dont think id cope very well with a backpack! Would much rather take a suitcase! Good question!
I have asked this also and the general advice is to get a backpack with wheels. Basically acts as a backpack but you can wheel it around like a trolley. I have only looked on Amazon but they seem to have a few options.
Just something to consider??
Jo x
thats a good idea thanks i'll have a look. Just as other people had meantioned that backpacks were really hard when out there to carry around x
I recommend against backpacks with wheels. They are neither one thing or the other. The wheels generally aren't much good for rolling over anything, and they tend to be not well designed as a backpack for carrying. They are much more expensive too.
Suitcases are certainly nice with wheels and are easily accessible. Backpacks are getting better at making designs that are easy to carry and accessible. The big draw back of a backpack is usually you are always searching for something that ends up at the bottom. These days they are making them with full all around zippers so you can get straight into the bottom. Then you have to look at security. A suitcase is easier to lock.
80liters is huge. It doesn't matter how long you are going for. Pack only what you really..really need, then take it all out and throw away more! Seriously there isn't anything you can't buy on the road. Australia has great thrift/charity shops, and when you are traveling you have the perfect excuse to buy thrift clothes!
I have got a 60Liter Backpack with an aditional + 10 Day packpack.
I have fit everything i need in it with pleanty of room to spare!
My flight is tomorrow xD
Hi, I know it's been a while but I'm a girly girl, travelling to Oz too and was wondering what you ended up taking?
Hi I ended up a suitcase but it didn't last long that's just because mine wasn't a good quality one. I know have a big lightweight bag with wheels. I'd still would say no against a backpack, unless you are going to be going into the bush x
Hi, I would recommend an oversize dufflebag on wheels. It's bigger than a backpack, and they typically have more compartments than a suitcase. They are also less rigid than a suitcase, I find them easier to carry/move around, especially when there's some distance involved.

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