Eltonb has indicated that this thread is about Cairns
Check out my post under my name about Cairns.
Go North on the incredibly beautiful Costal Road to St George.
Dive from there on Silver Sea
Also go further north to DainTree National Forest ... really tropical...
Also a MUST is to go West about 50 mile into the outback on the Developmental Hyway.
Short trip, but the same Outback terrain and people as going 2000 miles further.
No traffic... Think it is called he Wheelbarrow Rt... also.
( This beats all the thrill seaker stuff...that the Australians are so into for $$$
[ 26-Feb-2012, at 12:57 by Rhmyers ]
Thanks will look into that did you work out there and how much money did you take with you when you went there
1. I did not work. I was only there for 1 week.
2. Did not require alot of money...but I did spend a bit.
a. Rented a car. Might be nice for at least one day to get to Outback.
Silver whatever cruise, picked us up by bus and took us to St. George as part of fee.
b. Got a terrific deal in our winter, there summer, .... on a front, balcony room at a
hotel on the beach. Did see some Really good hostels in Carines.
c. Eats were cheap at the mall on the water front.
d. The Dive on the Great Barrier Reef, was around a hundred.???
I took a Silver something or other high speed catameran, that got us out
to the reef and back; and still left plenty of time for diving and did not
require an overnight stay.
Can't emphasize going to the outback a few hours west. The Real Australia
Bars and landscapes and all like out of movies. People real !!!
Wow sound like you had a blast in the short space of time . Cheers for the details will be looking into it
Couple of other things.
The Markets and Exotic Fruits... lots of them, but I really liked the Big Rusty's market ?? in Cairnes. Only open certain days. It's next to the big Hostel noisy - Gilligan's Backpacker Hotel & Resort Cairns
. Figure out whats in the bag labled "muchies". C o l o r s ..wow. Shapes
And the waterfront park with the big Silver Sculptures is worth it Free. The small outboard motor boats would have been fun.. ( I didn't find time for them.)
Lots of hangouts and bars
Kwl . Haha ye looking forward to lots off crazy nights just want to get the most out of my stay

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