I have a real problem with the single supplements which firms travel for me to travel alone. I love to discover new and wonderful places and yet often have to pay double the amount just because circumstances have meant I am not able to travel with someone.
Huge numbers of single people do not travel because they do not want to be ripped off by the travel industry, yet they will do nothing about it so lose the custom of so many people.
Nowadays you can book travel and accommodation yourself online and miss the worst of the supplements by shopping around.
You can book a budget flight and some cheap accommodation. I often use Ryanair for flights and lowcostholidays for accommodation. Most airports have cheapish shuttle services from the airport to your accommodation (book a return trip).
Book early as flights and accommodation go up as it gets closer to their times.
The whole point of hostels is cheap beds for single travellers. Of course if you take a private room normally 2 would sleep in, you should really pay the normal room rate. Otherwise hotels will just not rent out those rooms as they hope a couple comes along...
I have a real problem with the single supplements which firms travel for me to travel alone. I love to discover new and wonderful places and yet often have to pay double the amount just because circumstances have meant I am not able to travel with someone.
I understand the industries need to make profit surely they make enough without having to penalise someone who loves to travel, can afford to travel and yet has to pay at least 50% more for the privelige.
actually what you need to do is just do some google-ing work. i traveled Asia last year with a tight budget.we earn money by paint for local people ,at the same time we learn more knowledge about local culture.Before the trip i have done losts plan includes the transportation,hotel,entertainment,scenery spot etc to make use of every hour even minutes.We had a good time there,it's a nice trip.Hence you may do some research first of your destination,just like a huge DIY project.you will like it and pround of yourself.

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