I'm hoping to fly to Perth in May and I'm SO excited but nervous too as I'll probably be travelling alone...eek!! Anyone else heading that way around then? I've nothing booked yet but want to book asap I have an uncle there and a couple of friends but would love to get to know more people heading out that way.
Ill be arriving in Perth on April 20th from Ireland too!! Will have spent 3 weeks in Thailand too...I leave home in 4 weeks!!! Keep in contact if ya wanna meet when you land, hopefully my friend and I will be just settling in then
You must be so excited to be leaving in 4 weeks!! It's approximately 12 weeks til I leave and already I can't wait :D Definitely will keep in touch
well ya four weeks til i leave home then thailand majorly excited...really difficult to pack tho
PM me if ya wanna keep in touch
m from ireland hoping to head out as soon as!!are yas going on your own??i have visa got no flights yet but soon as ill be heading!!
Yeah probably flying there on my own :/ unless I find someone who wants to fly at the same time soon. I want to book my flight soon so I'll have everything sorted and can start the count down. Can't wait to just get to OZ :D
Well Im travelling with a friend...its both of our first times travelling so scary and exciting at the same time..any of ye going to thailand first or just straight to Perth?? Best thing is just book the tickets and let the excitement start!! Whats Your plans for when you all get to Perth??
Hi all i land in Perth on the 1st April. I fly to Thailand on the 15th March and i am going to spend most of the time on the islands around Krabi. If anyone wants to get in touch and meet up in either then get in touch.
In Perth i am stopping with a friend and hope to play football for a team for a season and find work on the side, but plans can change!
Hey heading to perth august alone drop me a line if your still there then!
Hey Una, yeah I'll almost definitely still be in Perth in August so keep in touch

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