Hey guys, My names Adrian and my decided to friends ditch me and arent going to tomorrowland anymore, so i'm looking for people to go with. Anyone who is laid back and can have fun sounds perfect I'd prefer if you were withing my age group, 18-25 would be fine, and just a cool person overall
Heyyy, I'm just going to tomorrowland from London on the bargain bus.
My friends are too skint to come so I'm going solo and plan on joining some random nice people that I meet on the way
Mary x
Hey I'm 19, also going to Tomorrowland alone, travelling from New Zealand and want to spend a bit of time in Europe, hopefully go to other festivals, visit Amsterdam etc. although I haven’t made any plans yet.
I’m keen to meet up with fun people also going to tomorrowland. It's going to be awesome
Just send me a message
There's already one or two big threads about Tomorrowland, so you may want to post there - !
Hey guys, My names Adrian and my decided to friends ditch me and arent going to tomorrowland anymore, so i'm looking for people to go with. Anyone who is laid back and can have fun sounds perfect I'd prefer if you were withing my age group, 18-25 would be fine, and just a cool person overall
Im planning a 2 week trip, starting at Paris and ending at Amsterdam. Im up for just about anything, so if theres something in specific you wanna do, were doing it.
Of course Tomorrowland in Belgium is the main reason im going, so just make sure you buy a ticket when the time comes
Thats about it! Thanks everyone
Hey man, where will you be travelling from? Im living in Rome right now and I want to go to Tomorrowland and wouldn't mind doing Amsterdam and etc.. What sort of dates will you be going and costs roughly?
well im landing in paris, and going to Antwerp/boom for tommorrowland, then straight up to amsterdam. im looking to land in paris roughly july 19ish, and leaving Europe august 2-5.
After reading about travel expenses and other things, id estimate around a minimum of 2.5k. 3k is probably ideal for me, but keep in mind im coming from the U.S. Let me know about your plans!
well im landing in paris, and going to Antwerp/boom for tommorrowland, then straight up to amsterdam. im looking to land in paris roughly july 19ish, and leaving Europe august 2-5.
After reading about travel expenses and other things, id estimate around a minimum of 2.5k. 3k is probably ideal for me, but keep in mind im coming from the U.S. Let me know about your plans!
well if you want you could land in Paris, then i reckon geographically itd be better to do tomorrowland, then amsterdam, and then id be heading back to Rome and if you wanted you could come to Rome if thats in your plans?
Let me know what your plans are? You could always land in Rome, make our way up to Tomorrowland together, and then go to Amsterdam. Whatever really.
landing in rome wouldnt be a bad idea...it would make it easier. Im really down for anything. So that doesnt sound bad at all. Maybe we can gather up 1 or 2 more people to come with us as well?
Yea man I'm down for anything, the more the merrior man. I went to the travel agency today and the cheapest thing to do from Rome is to fly to Amsterdamn, then get a train from Amsterdam to Antwerp. and then after tomorrowland back to Antwerp and then I'd fly back to Rome. Ideally its better for me but if that's not good with you let me know. The only thing is my parents are paying for it haha, so I need to inform them relatively soon so I can start asking for cash . Let me know what works for you?

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