Can anyone help? I'm willing to go anywhere in Australia for just a job that will last me another 6 months til my visa runs out..
Have you checked out the ? It's pretty much the reference in terms of harvest work! You will obviously need to move away from the cities to do harvest work, but it shouldn't be too hard to find, assuming you are up for doing pretty much anything.
yeah i really am up for anything now haha. thanks for that il check it out
RAIN makes it a bit harder!!
If you are looking to work for accommodation, have you checked out the site yet? No pay, but it will keep your expenses down and provide an interesting experience at the same time.
you have to pay for a booklet and crap... going on that SITE made me feel like i was being ripped off if i put any of my own details on it..
also harvest trail is no help.. i called up their number and they are very rude and did not help me at all...
seriously its bull
Lol! Good Luck
I've only ever heard of people having good experiences with WWOOF. Sure, it's not a very slick site, but I have never heard any hints of being ripped off by the WWOOF organisation, so I really think you don't need to be worried from that point of view.
Any job you are going to get will require some investment on your part, be it time, travel expenses, printing expenses, etc.
Really, for the kind of work you are trying to get, the two best options in Australia to my knowledge, are the Harvest Trail for paid work and WWOOFing for more experience based, room-in-exchange-for-work. Otherwise you'll have to do all the hunting around yourself and I really don't see that as an easy/cheap option.
Sorry to hear you encountered someone rude at the Harvest Trail number though. That's never encouraging when job hunting

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