Hello guys,
hey jo
im planning on going out first week of sept!
thinking of doing the whole oz thing and maybe nz if i have enough money,
im planning on staying in perth first to visit fam and then work my way around hopefully doing the whole fruit picking etc to get some moneys!
not to sure how long im going for looking at 6months - year!
abbie x
Hi Abbie
Thanks for replying.
Sounds like a good plan, are you just heading out on your own?
I was thinking of using a company like Oz Intro to meet people and get things set up.
Have you looked into your visas?
Jo x
I was looking at Oz Intro and another group Ultimate Oz and even though Ultimate Oz Is 100 dollars more, it looks like it has more things for it, especially for the long run just something to look at if you havent already
To be honest im hoping to find someone on here with experience with different arrival groups to see which is the best!
Good luck,
Hey Jo
I didn't use any group to meet people threw apart from on here really.
I am in Melbourne at moment and been in oz bout week. When you hoping to come to oz and where abouts u want to head. If we are in same city at same time I don't mind exploring with you/ having a drink?
Cheers chelle x
Jo I did 3 years in Oz 'alone' though that never seemed to be the case! regardless of where you start off youll find someone heading in the same direction. There are SO many backpackers. Being a solo traveller forces you to put yourself out there and I wouldnt have done it any other way! Hostels are great places of meeting people as are the working hostels in rural Oz as most people tend to stay in these for a few months getting their visa extension by working on farms etc.
In my opinion theose tour agencies charge (alot) of money for something that you would do natrually anyway- make friends.
Hey Jo! heading to Perth solo august 15th will be hopefully getting work and staying there up until xmas i imagine, gimme a shout if you'll be there at this time!
Hey. Jo am hoping to go end of year beginning of next year. I looked at oz intro too cause like u am scared of goin alone tho I'm sure I would meet new people like everyone is sayin :-D I'm on Facebook if u wanna have a chat compare notes lol just pm me Michelle xx
I know some of the company's charge a lot - just would hate to go over totally unprepared and alone . Once I am there I will be fine but having something in place for the first week makes a bit of sense for me. Plus it will stop my mum worrying. But thanks for the advise guys, if I can meet up with some people on here i might just go solo.
I'm on Faceboook too - Jo Reynolds - if you guys want to add me and we can chat a bit on there too?
Jo xx
[ 26-Feb-2012, at 02:57 by xjoannax12 ]
Hey Jo
Tried to find you on Facebook but quite few people with ur name! Can u give me more direction? Or add me, Michelle Adams - my pic is me, got short hair and with a dalmation.
Chelle x

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