Hey there!!
Hi Emma,
Congrats on making the decision to go! I'm in sort of the position as you but heading out slightly earlier in May. I'm going to Melbourne so if you're heading there give me a shout! Have you any idea where you want to start?
There are loooads of us going on our own, I'd say the majority of people who go to Oz on a WHV do it solo so don't worry, we're all in the same boat!
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your reply. Well I sat down and drew myself a map of where is best to start. I thought maybe start in sydney and do a starter package there to get me set up for work and tax file etc then work up the east coast and then eventually come back down through alice springs and on to melbourne and to the great ocean road.
Like i said i have no solid plans and working out which is the best way around and making sure im in sydney for december is proving difficult.
Do you have any plans after your arrival in melbourne? x
Hi Emma
Exact same situation as you. Looking to head out this year, I have been thinking of starting with Oz Intro as they seem quite good and the reviews are positive.
I am looking for someone to start off with too as its quite scary thinking about going myself.
[ 24-Feb-2012, at 04:55 by xjoannax12 ]
Any of the major cities are great starting points whether you decide to go alone or with a group. You'll definitely meet people headed the same way as you in your first couple of days anyway.
Kylie x
My flight is tomorrow too Sydney, Going on my lonesome, Sure we will be fine!
So exited!
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your reply. Well I sat down and drew myself a map of where is best to start. I thought maybe start in sydney and do a starter package there to get me set up for work and tax file etc then work up the east coast and then eventually come back down through alice springs and on to melbourne and to the great ocean road.
Like i said i have no solid plans and working out which is the best way around and making sure im in sydney for december is proving difficult.
Do you have any plans after your arrival in melbourne? x
Sorry for the late reply, I completely forgot about this thread because I didn't subscribe!
That sounds good, the East Coast is brilliant fun. There are some amazing places there. From what I've heard the starter packages like Oz Intro etc aren't really worth it for what you get. I'm not doing one of those, I figure I can do everything they can for free!
No I haven't planned anything after Melbourne, I'm very much winging it. I'd like to stay there for a few months and work then move on to somewhere else.
Give me a shout when you're in Melbourne, we can always go for a drink!
I'm wanting to head out l8r this year or early next!! I am also 23 and onmy lonesome Feel free to message me!
im also looking for a companion free to head out whevnever i have the visa got just while nervous about heading on my own..
I'm looking to fly to Sydney start of September, been looking in to doing Ozintro as will make it a little less scary! and the reviews all seem good.
Not got any plans yet, but would be great to know people heading out there at around the same time.
Laura x

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