100ml...still the limit through customs??


Yes, it's still 100 ml, and taking everything out and sticking it in a clear plastic bag etc. If you are going to the States, I'd probably make sure I stick under 50 ml even, just to be sure.

Hope that helps!

For CARRY-ON, it is 100 ml in a clear plastic bag, zip-top plastic bag. Most UK airports provide them at the airport, if you don't have one. I have had issues before with my plastic bag being too big (freezer bag), and had to transfer my stuff to the smaller, quart-sized / litre-sized bags. For USA travel, 100 ml is fine. Check out the here. Check out from Heathrow on what is allowed for carry-on.

If you are CHECKING a bag, then there are no restrictions. You can take full-sized toothpaste, shampoo, etc., without issue. Don't lock your bag, as they may look through it. The page above from Heathrow lists at the bottom things that aren't allowed in check bags under the heading "Banned Items."

Electronics are fine to bring on board. You'll probably have to take your laptop out to screen through the x-ray machine separately, but otherwise no problem. I often travel with laptop, camera, iPod and mobile phone (plus all associated chargers) in my hand-luggage without issue.


Customs couldn't care less about these items (deodorants, after shave etc.). As the previous poster pointed out, it's TSA (security) that you have to be concerned about. This is a very important distinction because if you travel to the USA you will only go thru Customs ONCE - upon arrival (your first point of entry) and unless you change planes upon arrival in the USA you will NOT (at that time) encounter security. Then, after arriving in the USA, if you take any domestic flights (or when you leave the country), that's when you have to be concerned about the 100 ml limitation and that's when you will go thru the U.S. security check. But never Customs.

As of new years, yes it is still 100ml

100ml...still the limit through customs??

100ml...still the limit through customs??

100ml...still the limit through customs??

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