Dominican Republic

I´m thinking about travelling to Santa Domingo in the Dominican Republic on a three month long Spanish course this years fall.
Have anyone else here travelled to the Dominican Republic? If so, I would love to hear about it.

I was there for a week in Oct 2006. Santo Domingo and along the coast (west) to the Haitian border. Santo Domingo is a large bustling city with a very interesting and historical downtown. Heading west there are a number of smaller very charming little towns. I remember Barahona being one of them. We spent quite a bit of time visiting some National parks and there's some spectacular scenery in that area, especially close to the Haitian border.

Ha det så bra!

I spent a day in Santo Domingo and have to admit that that was plenty of time for me. Most holiday makers go to the other side of the island and rarely visit SD. Our cruise ship docked across from the town where there is a shanty town and I didn't feel safe there.

When are you planning to go? When they say hurricane season, they mean hurricane season. If it's June to September time, best to go to Spain instead. The winter months are a good time to be in the Caribbean.

One minor point. Spanish in Spain is different from Spanish elsewhere. A King a few centuries ago married a Queen who lisped so to not make her feel shy, he had everyone lisp and it became part of the Spanish language in Spain, so a slightly different pronunciation.

I spent a day in Santo Domingo and have to admit that that was plenty of time for me. Most holiday makers go to the other side of the island and rarely visit SD. Our cruise ship docked across from the town where there is a shanty town and I didn't feel safe there.

When are you planning to go? When they say hurricane season, they mean hurricane season. If it's June to September time, best to go to Spain instead. The winter months are a good time to be in the Caribbean.

One minor point. Spanish in Spain is different from Spanish elsewhere. A King a few centuries ago married a Queen who lisped so to not make her feel shy, he had everyone lisp and it became part of the Spanish language in Spain, so a slightly different pronunciation.

Is the hurricane season really THAT bad? Was thinking about going somethime in august, maybe beginning of september.

I will probably go to SD. I guess most turists don´t like to vist big cities.....they want to realx. I´m not like that!

Hurricane season simply means that that's the time of the year when a hurricane MIGHT strike. You could have perfectly fine weather the entire time. The "highest risk" period is mid August to mid September. That's when the ocean water is the warmest and historically the most powerful hurricanes tend to hit in that period, but they can of course also show up before and after. It just gradually becomes less and less likely the cooler the ocean water is. We lived in southern Florida for 7 years and didn't experience a hurricane that entire time. And Florida has their hurricane season during the exact same time that the Caribbean has theirs.

OK, then I think i will just take my chanses. Because august/september-desember is the best months for me to travel.

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

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