Itinerary help!! SE Asia

Hello all,

You have a lot of territory to cover in a short amount of time.

I would suggest about:

2 weeks Vietnam
1 week Cambodia
2 weeks Thailand
and 1 week for Malaysia and Singapore combined.

We have been travelling to the above countries over the past 5 years so perhaps a visit to our website at [snip] may help.

Happy & safe travels


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Hi I have been to all these countries recently. We spent 3 weeks just in Northern and Central Vietnam - Hanoi , Halong Bay, Lake Ba be then flew to Danang and went to Hoi An and Hue. Cambodia you could get away with 2 days in Phnom Penh and 4 in Siem Reap. Thailand....depends on what you want to do. Having been three times there is plenty to see and do but maybe not all this trip!Malaysia likewise. Singapore...3 days should be enough to see the best.

You can get suggestions for Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand at [snip]

Have a lovely trip

Is this itinerary realistic or not, this is different from person to person.

I've travelled to the countries you mention, and combined I spent 6-7 months in those different countries... So if you ask this question to me, I would say unrealistic...
I prefer to stay as long as possible in one country, instead of visiting as much countries as possible...

I think you are over doing just a bit.
First of all, why are you rushing from Shanghai to Hong Kong so fast? Why don't you spend New Year in Shanghai?

For the Southeast Asia part you are leaving yourself around 6-7 weeks, assuming you don't stay too long in Hong Kong. Yes, I think it is possible to see all those countries in that amount of time, but you'll be rushing and you will have to be very selective in where you go. There will be no time for exploring places in depth, and you will have to cut beach time if you want to see the all the cultural highlights. You will also spend a lot of time on buses and trains and I suspect will get sick of the routine of packing up, spending the day on the train, finding a hotel, sightseeing for one day, then packing up again....You will have to stick to a pretty tight itinerary and plan well. For me to see all of what you list it took 3 months, and I did have to cut a few things out in the end. So you will have to move twice as fast as I did, which for me isn't worth it.
My suggestion is to cut something out. My first instinct is to cut Malaysia and Singapore, but it sounds like you have a flight from Singapore so you can't do that. So as much as it kills me to suggest it, because it's my favorite country in the world, I would cut out Vietnam and fly straight from Hong Kong to Bangkok. Visit Northern Thailand with a week trip into Cambodia to see Angkor, then head down the peninsula toward Singapore stopping at a few Thai beaches and places in Malaysia. That was pretty much exactly what I did on my first trip to the region and it took me 6 weeks.

Itinerary help!! SE Asia

Itinerary help!! SE Asia

Itinerary help!! SE Asia

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