Thailand, Oz, NZ & Fiji....


hi sophie....

i did a similar sort of thing earlier this year..i was so nervous about it all before i left but once i was out there it was just fine!!you will find in thailand everywhere you go there is backpackers so your never actually really dont even have to be that outgoing,ul just find yourself making friends and talking to people as you go along!!there is so much bad things said about thailand and how corrupt it is,i never saw one bad thing the whole time i was out there...probably the worst thing about thailnd is the taxi and tuk tuk drivers,they will try and over charge you but ul soon get the hang of it,just make sure u sort a price with them before you get in and if your only trvelling a few miles you should never really be paying more thn 4-500 baht at the very most!!im hoping to go back in jan/feb time and see alot more,vietnam,cambodia, and then onto oz so maybe our paths will cross at somepoint!!!

have fun and relax everythign will be just fine and ul have an amazing time!!!

if you want any more advice on thailand then feel free to msg me..take care


Hey Dan,

Thanks so much for advice... i feel a bit better about doing it alone having spoke to a few people...

Good advice re the taxi's and tuk tuk's, I will defo remember that!

Well have a wicked time too... Yeah maybe they will....

Thanks again for your time Dan...

Soph x

hey soph dan is right, u have nothing to worry about at all, thailand is a great place to start, mainly because its so easy to pick out the travellers, and i found that when you are by yourself at a hostel or bar etc, people soon invite u into their group or to hang out with them, a large majority have a more the merrier attitude, which really does help.

im arriving in bangkok on oct 1st, with 2 other guys and a girl off this site, so worst case scenario if ur having any difficulties just look me up, we are all very outgoing too, but i have no doubt u will be fine.

hope your travels go well, mikey

hey soph dan is right, u have nothing to worry about at all, thailand is a great place to start, mainly because its so easy to pick out the travellers, and i found that when you are by yourself at a hostel or bar etc, people soon invite u into their group or to hang out with them, a large majority have a more the merrier attitude, which really does help.

im arriving in bangkok on oct 1st, with 2 other guys and a girl off this site, so worst case scenario if ur having any difficulties just look me up, we are all very outgoing too, but i have no doubt u will be fine.

hope your travels go well, mikey

Hi Soph

Im 24 and doing exactly the same thing - going it alone and its my first time too. Im due to land in Bangkok around 10-15th Oct, have you made any definate plans yet?


Hi Lottie,

Nope no definate plans as yet.... Literally just got my first 3 nights in Bangkok booked and thats it then see what happens.

Wicked, well I am only in Bangkok for 3 days then I am going to see what happens... what about you? x

Sorry Mikey forgot to say thanks!

Thanks for advice.

Hi Sophie

Made no definite plans yet, Ive just got chatting to a girl on Travellers point who is landing in Bangkok on 17th Oct so possibly going to hook up with her and head north to Chang Mai - there are loads of really good reviews about the jungle treks and Elephant treks.

Are you planning to attend the full moon party - if so what dates?

Lottie x

Thailand, Oz, NZ & Fiji....

Thailand, Oz, NZ & Fiji....

Thailand, Oz, NZ & Fiji....

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