Cost level in latin american contries

I am planning to do a longer trip to latin america this fall, 3-4 months. It´s still in an early planing face, so I haven´t desided which coutry(s) to go to. I´m therefore very interested in which contries are cheap and which is more expensive. Offcourse, price isn´t everything. Cuality of service also maters.

Besides Chile and Uruguay the 4 countries you mentioned are 4 of the most expensive countries to travel in in Latin America, however all 4 have generally high quality of service, avoid 'cheap' places in marginal areas or around bus stations with no safe or lock box for your valuables of course. Even 'cheap' countries such as Nicaragua, Bolivia, Colombia, etc. have hostals and lodging places that offer excellent services, get an UPDATED PRINT GUIDEBOK(S) from your local travel section of book stores or Amazon dot com and research on teh Internet as well, other travellers shall surely share with you. I like the words low budget or inexpensive rather than 'cheap' in Latin America 'cheap travellers' are called 'tacanos' by natives, there are some great restaurants and lodging places that offer great services, not 'tourist' places nor hostels, that cater to native travellers, so learn some Spanish, keep a clean cut appearance, be polite and often locals and ex pats will direct you to super bargain out of the way places when on the road. saludos

Thank you for your answer.. know some spanish already, was in the dominican republic for four months last year. Speak basic/intermediate spanish (not completely sure where I´m at now), but would like to improve my skills further.

Why don't you consider Peru as one of your SA destinations. It is right in the middle of SA thus you can easily air connect with almost every SA country; it is one of the megadiverse countries in the world because it comprises several ecosystems and microclimates, the Amazon River starts in the Peruvian rainforest, some of the most beautiful snowcapped mountains are found in the Peruvian Andes; definitely Peru is one of the most fascinating archaeological havens (not only world famous Machu Picchu but also Caral, believed to be the oldest city in the Americas...and Chan Chan one of the largest mud made Precolumbian cities...and so many more buildings, fortresses, temples and ancient tombs). Peruvian people are also fantastic, different from one region to the other, each human group with their own history, traditions, customs and beliefs...and I almost forgot to mention the Peruvian Cuisine, the world is just discovering its unbelievable delightful flavours. I first got acquainted with Peru some 3 years ago and spent no more than 4 weeks touring it, I wanted to return for another visit but I was fortunate to be assigned by my company to work in Lima just at the end of January. I wish this assignment to last a long time because I am eager to explore the whole country. So hanhans, give it a try mate! you won't regret Peru!

Peru has everything as the last poster said and if you wish you are able to bus or fly easily South to Chile or North to Ecuador, why get exhausted visiting 'as many countries as possible' in 3 to 4 months, a word of caution, though, when travelling alone by Bus, you will arrive often hungry and exhausted, be advised the most dangerous places in all Latin america are the Bus terminals and the areas around them, bag snatchers, pickpockets, scammers such as unauthorized taxi drivers and overly friendly bi lingual 'guides' who offer to take you to a safe hotel, most often an expensive one, and if late at night, you may have no other option. Try to make hostal reservations in advance and ask if the hotelor hostal can pick you up at bus stations. There is violent crime in Lima, a city of nearly 9,000,000, so be aware when travelling alone, if you drink, never get so intoxicated you become vulnerable and especially Women travelling alone, never accept drinks nor rides from strangers, the most 'dangerous' thing about being away from home is that the the first time, one does not know ones way around well, double rooms are usually only 20% more costly in Latin america than single rooms, so finding a companion part of the way to share expenses makes sense, also someone to watch your back at the ATM machine!

Thanks... I will definately give Peru some serious thoughts.
Are there any good locations for doing kitesurfing there?

Would be cool to just rent an appartent, and just stay there and relax and kite for a few months...... And offcourse do some shorter excurions to different locations.

Why do not you go to Colombia?
Colombia due to the internal conflict that had in the past is not well known for travelers, I must say the conflict is over, nowadays Colombia is open for tourism and is trying to do its best changing that bloody history and bad reputation. At the beginning when I was making my plans for south america, I was fearful about going to Colombia due to the violence, I was wrong. Going there was one of my best experiences I have ever had, there are so many places to go each new place different was that that the before one, I enjoyed its beaches, mountains, valleys, natural parks, food,kind and helpful people, They always had an answer for everything.
Colombia is very cheap, I think a little bit cheaper than Peru, if you go there you are gonna get fat because you can buy so many food for less.
My recommendation, book a hostel, hotel or something before you go, get more information about places you like, be open mind and forget about Colombian history.

there is a web page with many accommodation along Colombia information that I used when I was there.

let me know if you need more information.

Cost level in latin american contries

Cost level in latin american contries

Cost level in latin american contries

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